- name: check if database is an object fail: msg: database must be an object when: database is not mapping - name: check if database parameters are defined fail: msg: some database parameters are invalid or not defined when: (database.name is not string) or (database.user is not string) or (database.pass is not string) - name: add db to postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_db: name: "{{ database.name }}" trust_input: no - name: add user to postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_user: comment: "{{ database.user_comment | d('managed by ansible') }}" encrypted: yes expires: infinity name: "{{ database.user }}" password: "{{ database.pass }}" role_attr_flags: "{{ database.user_flags | d('NOSUPERUSER,NOCREATEROLE,NOCREATEDB') }}" trust_input: no - name: grant database privileges to user community.postgresql.postgresql_privs: database: "{{ database.name }}" privs: CREATE,CONNECT,TEMPORARY type: database role: "{{ database.user }}" - name: grant privileges to all tables community.postgresql.postgresql_privs: database: "{{ database.name }}" privs: ALL type: table objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA role: "{{ database.user }}" - name: grant privileges to all sequences community.postgresql.postgresql_privs: database: "{{ database.name }}" privs: ALL type: sequence objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA role: "{{ database.user }}" - name: grant privileges to public schema community.postgresql.postgresql_privs: database: "{{ database.name }}" privs: USAGE,CREATE type: schema objs: public role: "{{ database.user }}" - name: add line to postgres hba community.postgresql.postgresql_pg_hba: dest: "{{ (postgresql_conf_dir, 'pg_hba.conf') | path_join }}" contype: "{{ 'host' if (database.ssl | d(false) == false) else 'hostssl' }}" databases: "{{ database.name }}" users: "{{ database.user }}" address: "{{ item }}/32" method: "{{ database.auth_method | d('scram-sha-256') }}" register: result loop: "{{ [database.addresses] if database.addresses is string else (database.addresses | d(['' if (database.self_hosted | d(false) == true) else ansible_host])) }}" - name: reload postgres config community.postgresql.postgresql_query: query: SELECT pg_reload_conf(); when: result.changed