- block: - name: fail if more than one reverse proxy config was collected fail: msg: more than one reverse proxy config was collected, this is not supported yet when: rproxy_collected_configs | length > 1 - name: install nginx include_role: name: nginx vars: nginx: servers: - conf: rproxy_collected_configs[0].nginx_rproxy certs: "{{ host_tls }}" acme_server: "{{ (rproxy_collected_configs[0].acme | d({}))['server'] | d(None) }}" when: reverse_proxy_type == 'nginx' - name: install caddy include_role: name: caddy vars: caddy_config: "{{ rproxy_collected_configs[0].caddy | d({}) }}" caddy_reverse_proxy_handlers: "{{ rproxy_collected_configs[0].caddy_rproxy | d([]) }}" caddy_acme_config: "{{ rproxy_collected_configs[0].acme | d({}) }}" when: reverse_proxy_type == 'caddy' - name: add firewall entries include_role: name: iptables tasks_from: add.yml vars: firewall_config: filter: input: - { protocol: tcp, dst_port: "{{ [80, 443] if host_tls else [80] }}", action: accept } - { protocol: udp, dst_port: "{{ [80, 443] if host_tls else [80] }}", action: accept } when: rproxy_collected_configs is defined and rproxy_collected_configs | length > 0 and role_use_reverse_proxy | d(true) == true