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- name: select a share than can hold scripts
script_share: "{{ smb_shares | selectattr('has_scripts', 'defined') | selectattr('has_scripts', 'equalto', true) | list | first }}"
- name: fail if share is missing
msg: "cannot generate scripts, script share is missing"
when: (script_share | length) == 0
- name: create psr directory
path: "{{ smb_storage_dir }}/{{ script_share.name }}/psr"
state: directory
mode: "2750"
owner: "{{ smb_guest_user }}"
group: "{{ smb_guest_group }}"
- name: template items to script share
src: "scripts/{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ smb_storage_dir }}/{{ script_share.name }}/{{ item.dst }}"
force: yes
mode: 0750
owner: "{{ smb_guest_user }}"
group: "{{ smb_guest_group }}"
- src: psr-ps1.j2
dst: psr/Setup-PSRemoting.ps1
- src: psr-cmd.j2
dst: psr/Setup-PSRemoting.cmd
- src: psr-reset-ps1.j2
dst: psr/Reset-PSRemoting.ps1
- src: psr-reset-cmd.j2
dst: psr/Reset-PSRemoting.cmd