package main import ( "bufio" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" ) // SrcIP, SrcLogin and SrcPassword represent different source types. var SrcIP Source = Source{name: "ip", plainParmName: "ip", filesParmName: "ip-file"} var SrcLogin Source = Source{name: "login", plainParmName: "login", filesParmName: "login-file"} var SrcPassword Source = Source{name: "password", plainParmName: "password", filesParmName: "password-file", transform: func(item string) (res string, err error) { if getParamSwitch("no-password-trim") { return item, nil } else { return strings.TrimSpace(item), nil } }} func init() { registerParam("ip", []string{}, "IPs or subnets in CIDR notation") registerParam("ip-file", []string{"ip.txt"}, "paths to files with IPs or subnets in CIDR notation (one entry per line)") registerParam("login", []string{}, "one or more logins") registerParam("login-file", []string{"login.txt"}, "paths to files with logins (one entry per line)") registerParam("password", []string{}, "one or more passwords") registerParam("password-file", []string{"password.txt"}, "paths to files with passwords (one entry per line)") registerSwitch("add-empty-password", "insert an empty password to the password list") registerSwitch("add-logins-as-passwords", "append all logins to the password list") registerSwitch("no-password-trim", "preserve leading and trailing spaces in passwords") registerSwitch("logins-first", "increment logins before passwords") registerSwitch("file-contents-first", "try to go through source files first, defer commandline args for later") } // LoadSources loads contents for all sources. func LoadSources() { log("src", 1, "loading sources") var wg sync.WaitGroup if !getParamBool("add-logins-as-passwords") { wg.Add(3) go SrcIP.LoadSource(&wg) go SrcLogin.LoadSource(&wg) go SrcPassword.LoadSource(&wg) } else { wg.Add(1) go SrcLogin.LoadSource(&wg) wg.Wait() wg.Add(3) go SrcIP.LoadSource(&wg) go SrcPassword.LoadSource(&wg) } wg.Wait() SrcIP.ReportLoaded() SrcLogin.ReportLoaded() SrcPassword.ReportLoaded() ParseEndpoints(SrcIP.plain, "commandline") ParseEndpoints(SrcIP.contents, "files") log("src", 1, "ok: finished loading sources") } // CloseSources closes all source files. func CloseSources() { log("src", 1, "closing sources") SrcIP.CloseFiles() SrcLogin.CloseFiles() SrcPassword.CloseFiles() log("src", 1, "ok: finished closing sources") } // LoadSource fills a Source with data (from commandline and from files). func (src *Source) LoadSource(wg *sync.WaitGroup) { if wg != nil { defer wg.Done() } if == "password" && getParamSwitch("add-empty-password") { src.plain = append(src.plain, "") } if == "password" && getParamSwitch("add-logins-as-passwords") { src.plain = append(src.plain, SrcLogin.plain...) src.plain = append(src.plain, SrcLogin.contents...) } src.ParsePlain() src.files = make(map[string]*os.File) src.OpenFiles() defer src.CloseFiles() src.ParseFiles() failIf(len(src.contents)+len(src.plain) == 0, "no %vs defined: check %v and %v parameters", src, src.plainParmName, src.filesParmName) } // CloseFiles closes all files for a Source. func (src *Source) CloseFiles() { for _, file := range src.files { if file != nil { file.Close() } } log("src", 1, "closed %v %v files", len(src.files), src) src.files = nil } // OpenFiles opens all files for a Source. func (src *Source) OpenFiles() { fileNames := getParamStringSlice(src.filesParmName) for _, fileName := range fileNames { if src.files[fileName] != nil { log("src", 0, "ignoring duplicate %v file \"%v\"", src, fileName) continue } f, err := os.Open(fileName) failIf(err != nil, "error opening source file \"%v\": %v", fileName, err) src.files[fileName] = f } if len(src.files) > 0 { log("src", 1, "opened %v %v files", len(src.files), src) } } // ValidateAndTransformItem attempts to validate a source item // and performs transformations, if any. func (src *Source) ValidateAndTransformItem(item string) (res string, err error) { if src.transform != nil { res, err := src.transform(item) if err != nil { log("src", 1, "error validating %v \"%v\": %v", src, item, err.Error()) res = "" } return res, err } else { return item, nil } } // ParsePlain parses commandline parameters for a Source. func (src *Source) ParsePlain() { for _, plain := range getParamStringSlice(src.plainParmName) { plain, err := src.ValidateAndTransformItem(plain) if err != nil { continue } src.plain = append(src.plain, plain) } if len(src.plain) > 0 { log("src", 1, "parsed %v %v items", len(src.plain), src) } } // ParseFiles parses files for a Source. func (src *Source) ParseFiles() { for name, file := range src.files { log("src", 1, "parsing %v", name) thisTotal := 0 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { text := scanner.Text() if text == "" { continue } value, err := src.ValidateAndTransformItem(text) if err != nil { continue } src.contents = append(src.contents, value) thisTotal++ } scannerErr := scanner.Err() failIf(scannerErr != nil, "error reading source file \"%v\": %v", name, scannerErr) log("src", 1, "ok: parsed \"%v\", got %v contents, %v total", name, thisTotal, len(src.contents)) } } // ReportLoaded prints a console message about the number of loaded items for a Source. func (src *Source) ReportLoaded() { log("src", 0, "loaded %vs: %v items from commandline and %v items from files", src, len(src.plain), len(src.contents)) } type Source struct { name string // name of this source plainParmName string // name of "plain" commandline parameter filesParmName string // name of "files" commandline parameter plain []string // items from commandline contents []string // items from files files map[string]*os.File // file pointers and names transform func(item string) (string, error) // optional transformation function fetchMutex sync.Mutex // sync mutex } // String converts a Source to its string representation. func (src *Source) String() string { return } // FetchFromSlice retrieves an item from a string slice and optionally increments its current position. func (src *Source) FetchFromSlice(name string, idx *int, slice []string, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) { if *idx == -1 { // exhausted log("src", 5, "fetch %v from %v: idx is -1, return empty", src, name) return "", true } if *idx >= len(slice) { log("src", 5, "fetch %v from %v: idx >= slice length (%v >= %v), marking as exhausted, return empty", src, name, *idx, len(slice)) *idx = -1 return "", true } res = slice[*idx] log("src", 5, "fetch %v from %v: ok, got %v at idx %v", src, name, res, *idx) if inc { *idx = *idx + 1 log("src", 5, "fetch %v from %v: incrementing idx to %v", src, name, *idx) } return res, false } // FetchOne retrieves an item from a Source with a specified SourcePos. func (src *Source) FetchOne(pos *SourcePos, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) { src.fetchMutex.Lock() defer src.fetchMutex.Unlock() if getParamSwitch("file-contents-first") { res, empty = src.FetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc) if empty { res, empty = src.FetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc) } } else { res, empty = src.FetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc) if empty { res, empty = src.FetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc) } } logIf(empty, "src", 4, "exhausted source %v for pos %v", src, pos.String()) return res, empty } // --- // --- // --- // both -1: exhausted // both 0: not started yet type SourcePos struct { plainIdx int contentIdx int } func (pos *SourcePos) Init() { pos.plainIdx = 0 pos.contentIdx = 0 } // String converts a SourcePos to its string representation. func (pos *SourcePos) String() string { return "P" + strconv.Itoa(pos.plainIdx) + "/C" + strconv.Itoa(pos.contentIdx) } // Exhausted checks if a SourcePos can no longer produce any sources. func (pos *SourcePos) Exhausted() bool { return pos.plainIdx == -1 && pos.contentIdx == -1 } // Reset moves a SourcePos to its starting position. func (pos *SourcePos) Reset() { pos.plainIdx = 0 pos.contentIdx = 0 log("src", 3, "resetting source pos") }