📶 [WIP] RouterOS WinBox bruteforce
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

288 lines
7.1 KiB

package main
import (
type Source struct {
name, plainParmName, filesParmName string
validator func(item string) (string, error)
plain []string
files []*os.File
fileNames []string
contents []string
fetchMutex sync.Mutex
// both -1: exhausted
// both 0: not started yet
type SourcePos struct {
plainIdx int
contentIdx int
func (pos *SourcePos) String() string {
return "P" + strconv.Itoa(pos.plainIdx) + "/C" + strconv.Itoa(pos.contentIdx)
func (pos *SourcePos) Exhausted() bool {
return pos.plainIdx == -1 && pos.contentIdx == -1
func ipValidator(item string) (res string, err error) {
return item, nil
func passwordValidator(item string) (res string, err error) {
if CfgGetSwitch("no-password-trim") {
return item, nil
} else {
return strings.TrimSpace(item), nil
var SrcIP Source = Source{name: "ip", plainParmName: "ip", filesParmName: "ip-file"}
var SrcLogin Source = Source{name: "login", plainParmName: "login", filesParmName: "login-file"}
var SrcPassword Source = Source{name: "password", plainParmName: "password",
filesParmName: "password-file", validator: passwordValidator}
func (src *Source) validate(item string) (res string, err error) {
if src.validator != nil {
res, err := src.validator(item)
if err != nil {
log("src", 1, "error validating %v \"%v\": %v", src.name, item, err.Error())
return res, err
} else {
return item, nil
func (src *Source) parsePlain() {
if src.plain == nil {
src.plain = []string{}
for _, plain := range CfgGetStringSlice(src.plainParmName) {
var err error
plain, err = src.validate(plain)
if err != nil {
src.plain = append(src.plain, plain)
if len(src.plain) > 0 {
log("src", 1, "parsed %v %v items", len(src.plain), src.name)
func (src *Source) openFiles() {
if src.files == nil {
src.files = []*os.File{}
if src.fileNames == nil {
src.fileNames = []string{}
fileNames := CfgGetStringSlice(src.filesParmName)
for _, fileName := range fileNames {
f, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
fail("error opening source file \"%v\": %v", fileName, err.Error())
src.files = append(src.files, f)
src.fileNames = append(src.fileNames, fileName)
if len(src.files) > 0 {
log("src", 1, "opened %v %v files", len(src.files), src.name)
// this parses all source files
func (src *Source) parseFiles() {
if src.contents == nil {
src.contents = []string{}
for i, file := range src.files {
fileName := src.fileNames[i]
log("src", 1, "parsing %v", fileName)
thisTotal := 0
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
text := scanner.Text()
if text == "" {
value, err := src.validate(text)
if err != nil {
src.contents = append(src.contents, value)
scannerErr := scanner.Err()
failIf(scannerErr != nil, "error reading source file \"%v\": %v", fileName, scannerErr)
log("src", 1, "ok: parsed %v, got %v contents, %v total", fileName, thisTotal, len(src.contents))
func (src *Source) failIfEmpty() {
failIf(len(src.contents)+len(src.plain) == 0, "no %vs defined: check %v and %v parameters", src.name, src.plainParmName, src.filesParmName)
func (src *Source) reportLoaded() {
log("src", 0, "loaded %vs: %v items from commandline and %v items from files", src.name, len(src.plain), len(src.contents))
func (src *Source) load(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if wg != nil {
defer wg.Done()
if src.name == "password" && CfgGetSwitch("add-empty-password") {
if src.plain == nil {
src.plain = []string{}
src.plain = append(src.plain, "")
defer src.closeFiles()
func (src *Source) closeFiles() {
l := len(src.files)
for _, file := range src.files {
if file != nil {
src.files = []*os.File{}
src.fileNames = []string{}
log("src", 1, "closed all %v %v files", l, src.name)
func (src *Source) fetchFromSlice(name string, idx *int, slice []string, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) {
if *idx == -1 {
// exhausted
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: idx is -1, return empty", src.name, name)
return "", true
if *idx >= len(slice) {
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: idx >= slice length (%v >= %v), marking as exhausted, return empty", src.name, name, *idx, len(slice))
*idx = -1
return "", true
res = slice[*idx]
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: ok, got %v at idx %v", src.name, name, res, *idx)
if inc {
*idx = *idx + 1
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: incrementing idx to %v", src.name, name, *idx)
return res, false
// retrieves an item from source
// increments pos
func (src *Source) FetchOne(pos *SourcePos, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) {
defer src.fetchMutex.Unlock()
if CfgGetSwitch("file-contents-first") {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc)
if empty {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc)
} else {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc)
if empty {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc)
logIf(empty, "src", 2, "exhausted source %v for pos %v", src.name, pos.String())
return res, empty
func (pos *SourcePos) Reset() {
pos.plainIdx = 0
pos.contentIdx = 0
log("src", 3, "resetting source pos")
func LoadSources() {
log("src", 1, "loading sources")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go SrcIP.load(&wg)
go SrcLogin.load(&wg)
go SrcPassword.load(&wg)
// TODO: dynamic loading of contents
// currently this just dumps everything to a slice
log("src", 1, "ok: finished loading sources")
func CloseSources() {
log("src", 1, "closing sources")
log("src", 1, "ok: finished closing sources")
func init() {
CfgRegister("ip", []string{}, "IPs or subnets in CIDR notation")
CfgRegister("ip-file", []string{}, "paths to files with IPs or subnets in CIDR notation (one entry per line)")
CfgRegister("login", []string{}, "one or more logins")
CfgRegister("login-file", []string{}, "paths to files with logins (one entry per line)")
CfgRegister("password", []string{}, "one or more passwords")
CfgRegister("password-file", []string{}, "paths to files with passwords (one entry per line)")
CfgRegisterSwitch("add-empty-password", "insert an empty password to the password list")
//CfgRegisterSwitch("no-source-validation", "do not attempt to validate and count lines in source files")
CfgRegisterSwitch("no-password-trim", "preserve leading and trailing spaces in passwords")
CfgRegisterSwitch("logins-first", "increment logins before passwords")
CfgRegisterSwitch("file-contents-first", "try to go through source files first, defer commandline args for later")
//CfgRegisterSwitch("ignore-network-names", "always skip non-IPv4/non-IPv6 entries, do not attempt to resolve them as domain names")