💻 Тестовое для ТрейдСофт
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.3 KiB

pcre_jit: yes
worker_processes: auto
daemon: no
error_log: /var/log/nginx/error.log info;
aio: threads
aio_write: yes
directio: 128k
sendfile: yes
sendfile_max_chunk: 1m
tcp_nodelay: yes
tcp_nopush: yes
client_body_buffer_size: 64k
client_body_timeout: 30s
client_header_buffer_size: 2k
client_header_timeout: 15s
client_max_body_size: 0
send_timeout: 180s
resolver_timeout: 10s
disable_symlinks: yes
keepalive_disable: none
msie_padding: no
server_tokens: no
log_not_found: yes
open_file_cache: 'max=512 inactive=120s'
open_file_cache_errors: yes
gzip: yes
gzip_comp_level: 4
gzip_min_length: 4096
gzip_vary: yes
- text/css
- text/javascript
- text/plain
- application/javascript
- application/x-javascript
- font/truetype
- font/opentype
- image/svg+xml
- application/xml
autoindex: no
default_type: application/octet-stream
proxy_buffer_size: 16k
proxy_buffers: '16 16k'
proxy_connect_timeout: 30s
proxy_http_version: 1.1
proxy_read_timeout: 180s
proxy_send_timeout: 180s
proxy_max_temp_file_size: 0
http2_push_preload: yes