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2 years ago
package main
import (
_ "fmt"
func powInt(x, y int) int {
return int(math.Pow(float64(x), float64(y)))
func egcd(a, b bigint) (g, x, y bigint) {
if a.Empty() {
return b, NewBigint(0), NewBigint(1)
} else {
g, y, x = egcd(b.Mod(a), a)
return g, x.Sub(b.Div(a).Mul(y)), y
func modinv(a, p bigint) bigint {
if a.LtInt(0) {
a = a.Mod(p)
g, x, _ := egcd(a, p)
if g.NeInt(1) {
panic("modular inverse does not exist")
} else {
return x.Mod(p)
func leftmostBit(x bigint) bigint {
if x.LteInt(0) {
panic("x must be greater than 0")
res := NewBigint(1)
for res.Lte(x) {
res = res.MulInt(2)
return res.DivInt(2)
func naf(mult bigint) []bigint {
ret := make([]bigint, 0)
for mult.GtInt(0) {
if mult.ModInt(2).GtInt(0) {
nd := mult.ModInt(4)
if nd.GteInt(2) {
nd = nd.SubInt(4)
ret = append(ret, nd)
mult = mult.Sub(nd)
} else {
ret = append(ret, NewBigint(0))
mult = mult.DivInt(2)
return ret
func legendreSymbol(a, p bigint) bigint {
l := a.ModExp(p.SubInt(1).DivInt(2), p)
if l.Eq(p.SubInt(1)) {
return NewBigint(-1)
} else {
return l
func primeModSqrt(a, p bigint) (bigint, bigint) {
a = a.Mod(p)
if a.EqInt(0) {
return NewBigint(0), NewEmptyBigint()
if p.EqInt(2) {
return a, NewEmptyBigint()
if legendreSymbol(a, p).NeInt(1) {
return NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint()
if p.ModInt(4).EqInt(3) {
x := a.ModExp(p.AddInt(1).DivInt(4), p)
return x, p.Sub(x)
q, s := p.SubInt(1), 0
for q.ModInt(2).EqInt(0) {
q = q.DivInt(2)
z := NewBigint(1)
for legendreSymbol(z, p).NeInt(-1) {
z = z.AddInt(1)
c := z.ModExp(q, p)
x := a.ModExp(q.AddInt(1).DivInt(2), p)
t := a.ModExp(q, p)
m := s
for t.NeInt(1) {
i, e := 0, NewBigint(2)
if m > 0 {
for i = 1; i < m; i++ {
if t.ModExp(e, p).EqInt(1) {
e = e.MulInt(2)
b := c.ModExp(NewBigint(powInt(2, m-i-1)), p)
x = x.Mul(b).Mod(p)
t = t.Mul(b).Mul(b).Mod(p)
c = b.Mul(b).Mod(p)
m = i
return x, p.Sub(x)