@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
- import_playbook: hv.yml |
- import_playbook: containers.yml |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
[defaults] |
interpreter_python = auto_silent |
stdout_callback = debug |
use_persistent_connections = true |
forks = 6 |
internal_poll_interval = 0.01 |
jinja2_native = true |
[ssh_connection] |
pipelining = true |
transfer_method = scp |
scp_if_ssh = smart |
ssh_args = -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey,password |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
- hosts: containers |
gather_facts: no |
serial: 1 |
strategy: linear |
tasks: |
- name: include common container role |
include_role: |
name: container |
- name: check if host role exists |
stat: |
path: "{{ (playbook_dir, 'roles', host_role | d(inventory_hostname), 'tasks/main.yml') | path_join }}" |
register: result |
delegate_to: localhost |
- name: include host role |
include_role: |
name: "{{ host_role | d(inventory_hostname) }}" |
when: result.stat.exists |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
container_config_dir: /opt/conf |
container_logs_dir: /opt/logs |
container_root_build_dir: /opt/build |
docker_remote_port: 5011 |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
ansible_connection: docker |
hypervisor_hostname: hv |
container_default_config: |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
all: |
children: |
nodes: |
hosts: |
hv: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: BJDGSLAbKyx3TyHddciZJ43mg5SSaJhQ |
ansible_ssh_extra_args: -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no |
containers: |
hosts: |
nginx: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: k3PpKHF52zgUaowB73V6ggrnMUDUcMeS |
container_config: |
image: nginx |
custom_image: yes |
nginx_config: |
root: |
error_log: /var/log/nginx/error.log info |
load_module: /usr/local/nginx/modules/ |
http: |
log_format: "custom escape=json '\"$time_iso8601\" \"$request_time\" \"$upstream_response_time\" \ |
\"$remote_addr\" \"$remote_user\" \"$time_local\" \"$request\" \"$status\" \ |
\"$body_bytes_sent\" \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\" \"$geoip_country_code\"'" |
apache1: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: qUTuyFHzCFGVswGYEHv5MU2JzQGt9Tx7 |
host_role: apache |
container_config: |
image: php:8-apache |
mounts: /opt/www/html:/var/www/html |
apache2: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: F2a4v4LoQ5U6rwAgsrSt68SJwmHGARuP |
host_role: apache |
container_config: |
image: php:8-apache |
mounts: /opt/www/html:/var/www/html |
cadvisor: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: dJpxV9gri438UbC82bYXCp4BeAGHyoZn |
container_config: |
image: |
mounts: |
- /:/rootfs:ro |
- /var/run:/var/run:ro |
- /sys:/sys:ro |
- /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro |
- /dev/disk/:/dev/disk:ro |
privileged: yes |
devices: |
- /dev/kmsg |
node_exporter: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: QnSKHZ5e82YnCzbS75PMHXZqhwpFbzcu |
container_config: |
image: prom/node-exporter:latest |
extra_mounts: |
- /:/host:ro,rslave |
command: '--path.rootfs=/host' |
nginx_exporter: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: rkeE2vHp2jmLjsyz4r9ASe63GM5t6FbA |
container_config: |
image: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter |
mysql_exporter: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: VxMNsdHg6Fu5Ah9GxRTcQFVTGFRagAHD |
prometheus: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: XPJEzq3ohbu3KxcqWnT65M9uX5Utxyx2 |
grafana: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: ZsA8if5Cm4sEr299SjoMEMgqV5kBYn4a |
fluentd: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: mcLjXRpVGvxk7x4NPhuHVf9n6o8nk3cS |
mysql: |
ansible_host: |
ansible_password: cr9GvFGoqnzAdUNRvTr2DRqwQqqKLMWV |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
- hosts: hv |
gather_facts: no |
serial: 1 |
strategy: linear |
roles: |
- hv |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
apache_www_host_dir: /opt/www/html |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
- name: set container mount dirs |
set_fact: |
container_logs_mount: /var/log/apache2 |
- name: create www dir |
file: |
path: "{{ apache_www_host_dir }}" |
state: directory |
- name: template php script |
template: |
src: script.j2 |
dest: "{{ (apache_www_host_dir, 'index.php') | path_join }}" |
force: yes |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="ru"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> |
<title>PHP script</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<?php |
$sleepTime = mt_rand(1000, 4000); |
usleep($sleepTime * 1000); |
echo '<p>container hostname (PHP): ' . gethostname() . '</p>'; |
echo '<p>uptime: ' . shell_exec('uptime -p') . '</p>'; |
echo '<p>sleep time: ' . $sleepTime . '</p>'; |
?> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
container_custom_image_prefix: custom- |
container_default_config: |
custom_image: no |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
- name: ensure hypervisor_hostname is present |
fail: |
msg: "hypervisor_hostname must be defined and must be a string" |
when: hypervisor_hostname is not string |
- block: |
- name: check connection to hypervisor |
ping: |
- name: unset per-role mount vars |
set_fact: |
container_config_mount: "{{ None }}" |
container_logs_mount: "{{ None }}" |
container_role_config: "{{ {} }}" |
- name: check if role supports prebuilding |
stat: |
path: "{{ (role_path, '..', host_role | d(inventory_hostname), 'tasks/prepare_build.yml') | path_join }}" |
register: result |
delegate_to: localhost |
- name: prepare build environment for role |
include_role: |
name: "{{ host_role | d(inventory_hostname) }}" |
tasks_from: prepare_build |
vars: |
build_dir: "{{ container_build_dir | d(None) }}" |
conf_dir: "{{ (container_config_dir, inventory_hostname) | path_join }}" |
logs_dir: "{{ (container_logs_dir, inventory_hostname) | path_join }}" |
when: result.stat.exists |
- name: set container_cfg |
set_fact: |
container_cfg: "{{ container_default_config | d({}) | |
combine(container_role_config | d({}), recursive=true) | |
combine(container_config | d({}), recursive=true) }}" |
- block: |
- set_fact: |
container_build_dir: "{{ (container_root_build_dir, container_cfg.image) | path_join }}" |
- name: create container build dir |
file: |
path: "{{ container_build_dir }}" |
state: directory |
- name: template dockerfile to build dir |
template: |
src: "{{ container_cfg.image }}.Dockerfile.j2" |
dest: "{{ (container_build_dir, 'Dockerfile') | path_join }}" |
lstrip_blocks: no |
force: yes |
- name: build image from dockerfile |
docker_image: |
name: "{{ container_custom_image_prefix ~ container_cfg.image }}" |
build: |
dockerfile: "{{ (container_build_dir, 'Dockerfile') | path_join }}" |
path: "{{ container_build_dir }}" |
source: build |
when: container_cfg.custom_image | d(false) == true |
- name: create container |
docker_container: |
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" |
image: "{{ (container_custom_image_prefix ~ container_cfg.image) if container_cfg.custom_image | d(false) == true |
else container_cfg.image }}" |
hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" |
command_handling: correct |
network_mode: bridge |
networks: |
- name: network |
ipv4_address: "{{ ansible_host }}" |
log_driver: local |
detach: yes |
restart_policy: unless-stopped |
volumes: "{{ [((((container_config_dir, inventory_hostname) | path_join) ~ ':' ~ container_config_mount) if container_config_mount is string else None), |
((((container_logs_dir, inventory_hostname) | path_join) ~ ':' ~ container_logs_mount) if container_logs_mount is string else None), |
(container_cfg.mounts | d(None))] | flatten(levels=1) | select() | list }}" |
privileged: "{{ container_cfg.privileged | d(false) }}" |
devices: "{{ omit if container_cfg.devices is not defined else ([container_cfg.devices] | flatten(levels=1)) }}" |
command: "{{ container_cfg.command | d(omit) }}" |
delegate_to: "{{ hypervisor_hostname }}" |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
timezone: Europe/Kirov |
gpg_keyrings_dir: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d |
docker_repo_url: |
docker_network_subnet: |
docker_network_gateway: |
docker_network_iprange: |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
- name: restart crond |
service: |
name: crond |
state: restarted |
- name: update docker unit file |
systemd: |
daemon_reload: yes |
name: docker |
state: restarted |
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ |
# |
- name: ensure old docker packages are uninstalled |
apt: |
name: |
- docker |
- docker-engine |
- |
- containerd |
- runc |
force_apt_get: yes |
purge: yes |
state: absent |
- name: ensure apt can access https repos |
apt: |
name: |
- ca-certificates |
- curl |
- gnupg |
- lsb-release |
force_apt_get: yes |
state: latest |
- name: add keyrings dir |
file: |
state: directory |
path: "{{ gpg_keyrings_dir }}" |
- name: download docker gpg key |
get_url: |
url: "{{ docker_repo_url ~ '/gpg' }}" |
dest: "{{ gpg_keyrings_dir }}/docker.asc" |
mode: a+r |
- name: add apt repo |
apt_repository: |
repo: "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by={{ (gpg_keyrings_dir ~ '/docker.asc') | quote }}] \ |
{{ docker_repo_url }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable" |
- name: update repository index |
apt: |
force_apt_get: yes |
update_cache: yes |
changed_when: no |
- name: install docker and dependencies |
apt: |
name: |
- docker-ce |
- docker-ce-cli |
- |
- docker-compose-plugin |
- python3-pip |
force_apt_get: yes |
state: latest |
- name: install python docker modules |
pip: |
name: |
- docker |
- docker-compose>=1.7.0 |
state: latest |
- name: enable and start docker |
service: |
name: "{{ item }}" |
enabled: yes |
state: started |
loop: |
- docker |
- containerd |
- name: flush handlers |
meta: flush_handlers |
- name: create helloworld container |
docker_container: |
name: hello-world |
image: hello-world |
command_handling: correct |
init: yes |
output_logs: yes |
log_driver: local |
detach: no |
network_mode: none |
register: result |
changed_when: no |
failed_when: "{{ result.container.State.ExitCode != 0 or not ('Hello from Docker!' in result.container.Output) }}" |
- name: create docker network |
docker_network: |
name: network |
driver: bridge |
internal: no |
ipam_config: |
- subnet: "{{ docker_network_subnet }}" |
gateway: "{{ docker_network_gateway }}" |
iprange: "{{ docker_network_iprange }}" |
- name: save ipv4 forwarding to sysctl startup scripts |
copy: |
dest: /etc/sysctl.d/91-forwarding.conf |
content: "net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1\n" |
mode: 0644 |
- name: set ipv4 forwarding |
sysctl: |
name: net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding |
value: 1 |
sysctl_set: yes |
- name: change default iptables policy |
iptables: |
chain: FORWARD |
jump: ACCEPT |
- name: install iptables-persistent |
apt: |
name: iptables-persistent |
force_apt_get: yes |
state: latest |
- name: save current iptables rules |
community.general.iptables_state: |
ip_version: ipv4 |
table: filter |
state: saved |
path: /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
- name: change docker systemd service |
lineinfile: |
path: /lib/systemd/system/docker.service |
regexp: '^ExecStart=' |
line: 'ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock -H tcp://{{ docker_remote_port }}' |
notify: update docker unit file |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
- name: gather facts |
setup: |
gather_subset: |
- min |
- name: set timezone |
timezone: |
name: "{{ timezone }}" |
notify: restart crond |
- name: flush handlers to force restart of crond |
meta: flush_handlers |
- name: enable auto reboot on kernel panic |
copy: |
dest: /etc/sysctl.d/90-auto-reboot.conf |
content: "kernel.panic = 5\n" |
mode: 0644 |
- name: upgrade packages |
include_tasks: upgrade.yml |
- name: install and configure docker |
include_tasks: install_docker.yml |
- name: create root container dirs |
file: |
path: "{{ item }}" |
state: directory |
loop: |
- "{{ container_config_dir }}" |
- "{{ container_logs_dir }}" |
- "{{ container_root_build_dir }}" |
- name: create child container dirs |
file: |
path: "{{ item }}" |
state: directory |
loop: "{{ [container_config_dir, container_logs_dir] | product(groups['containers'] | d([])) | map('join', '/') }}" |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
- name: update repository index |
apt: |
force_apt_get: yes |
update_cache: yes |
changed_when: no |
- name: ensure apt-show-versions is installed |
apt: |
force_apt_get: yes |
name: apt-show-versions |
state: latest |
- name: get upgradeable packages |
shell: |
cmd: apt-show-versions --upgradeable |
register: upgradeable |
changed_when: no |
- block: |
- name: pause and confirm updates |
pause: |
prompt: "{{ upgradeable.stdout }}" |
- name: upgrade all packages |
apt: |
force_apt_get: yes |
install_recommends: no |
upgrade: dist |
when: "(upgradeable.stdout_lines is defined) and (upgradeable.stdout_lines | length > 0)" |
- name: clean repository cache |
apt: |
force_apt_get: yes |
autoclean: yes |
autoremove: yes |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
nginx_default_config: |
root: |
pcre_jit: yes |
worker_processes: auto |
daemon: no |
error_log: /var/log/nginx/error.log info; |
events: |
http: |
aio: threads |
aio_write: yes |
directio: 128k |
sendfile: yes |
sendfile_max_chunk: 1m |
tcp_nodelay: yes |
tcp_nopush: yes |
client_body_buffer_size: 64k |
client_body_timeout: 30s |
client_header_buffer_size: 2k |
client_header_timeout: 15s |
client_max_body_size: 0 |
send_timeout: 180s |
resolver_timeout: 10s |
disable_symlinks: yes |
keepalive_disable: none |
msie_padding: no |
server_tokens: no |
log_not_found: yes |
open_file_cache: 'max=512 inactive=120s' |
open_file_cache_errors: yes |
gzip: yes |
gzip_comp_level: 4 |
gzip_min_length: 4096 |
gzip_vary: yes |
gzip_types: |
- text/css |
- text/javascript |
- text/plain |
- application/javascript |
- application/x-javascript |
- font/truetype |
- font/opentype |
- image/svg+xml |
- application/xml |
autoindex: no |
default_type: application/octet-stream |
proxy_buffer_size: 16k |
proxy_buffers: '16 16k' |
proxy_connect_timeout: 30s |
proxy_http_version: 1.1 |
proxy_read_timeout: 180s |
proxy_send_timeout: 180s |
proxy_max_temp_file_size: 0 |
http2_push_preload: yes |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
- name: set nginx_cfg |
set_fact: |
nginx_cfg: "{{ nginx_default_config | d({}) | combine(nginx_config | d({}), recursive=true) }}" |
- name: set container mount dirs |
set_fact: |
container_config_mount: /etc/nginx/conf |
container_logs_mount: /var/log/nginx |
- name: copy geoip db |
copy: |
src: dbip-country-lite.mmdb |
dest: "{{ (conf_dir, 'geoip.mmdb') | path_join }}" |
- name: download mime types |
get_url: |
url: |
dest: "{{ (conf_dir, 'mime.types') | path_join }}" |
- name: template nginx config |
template: |
src: nginx.j2 |
dest: "{{ (conf_dir, 'nginx.conf') | path_join }}" |
lstrip_blocks: yes |
force: yes |
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ |
{% macro nginx_option(option) -%} |
{% if option.value is boolean -%} |
{{ option.key | lower }} {{ 'on' if option.value else 'off' }}; |
{% elif option.value | type_debug == 'list' -%} |
{{ option.key | lower }} {{ option.value | join(' ') }}; |
{% else -%} |
{{ option.key | lower }} {{ option.value }}; |
{% endif -%} |
{% endmacro -%} |
{% macro nginx_option_block(block) -%} |
{% if block is mapping -%} |
{% for option in (block | d({}) | dict2items) -%} |
{{ nginx_option(option) -}} |
{% endfor -%} |
{% endif -%} |
{% endmacro -%} |
{{ nginx_option_block(nginx_cfg.root) }} |
events { |
{{ nginx_option_block( }} |
} |
http { |
{{ nginx_option_block(nginx_cfg.http) }} |
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log custom; |
include {{ (container_config_mount, 'mime.types') | path_join | quote}}; |
geoip2 {{ (container_config_mount, 'geoip.mmdb') | path_join | quote }} { |
auto_reload 30m; |
$geoip_country_code default=RU source=$remote_addr country iso_code; |
} |
server { |
listen 80; |
listen [::]:80; |
server_name apache1.local; |
location / { |
proxy_pass http://{{ hostvars['apache1']['ansible_host'] }}; |
proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name; |
} |
} |
server { |
listen 80; |
listen [::]:80; |
server_name apache2.local; |
location / { |
proxy_pass http://{{ hostvars['apache2']['ansible_host'] }}; |
proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name; |
} |
} |
server { |
listen 80 default_server; |
listen [::]:80 default_server; |
location / { |
return 404; |
} |
{% if 'nginx_exporter' in groups['all'] -%} |
location /stub_status { |
stub_status; |
# deny all; |
allow {{ hostvars['nginx_exporter']['ansible_host'] }}; |
} |
{% endif -%} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
- name: set container cfg |
set_fact: |
container_role_config: |
command: "-nginx.scrape-uri=http://{{ hostvars['nginx']['ansible_host'] }}/stub_status" |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
FROM nginx:alpine AS builder |
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \ |
gcc \ |
geoip-dev \ |
git \ |
libc-dev \ |
libmaxminddb \ |
libmaxminddb-dev \ |
make \ |
openssl-dev \ |
pcre-dev \ |
python3-dev \ |
py3-pip \ |
zlib-dev |
WORKDIR /usr/local |
RUN git clone --depth=1 |
RUN wget${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ |
mkdir -p /usr/src && \ |
tar -zxC /usr/src -f nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz |
RUN CONFARGS=$(nginx -V 2>&1 | sed -n -e 's/^.*arguments: //p') \ |
cd /usr/src/nginx-$NGINX_VERSION && \ |
./configure --with-compat $CONFARGS \ |
--add-dynamic-module=/usr/local/ngx_http_geoip2_module/ && \ |
make && \ |
make modules && \ |
make install && \ |
mkdir -p /usr/local/nginx/modules/ |
FROM nginx:alpine |
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/nginx/modules/ /usr/local/nginx/modules/ |
RUN apk add \ |
libmaxminddb \ |
libmaxminddb-dev |
RUN mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf |
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html |
EXPOSE 80 443 |
VOLUME [ "/usr/share/nginx/html" ] |
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/sbin/nginx", "-c", "/etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf" ] |
Reference in new issue